Jessica Toste, an associate professor in the Department of Special Education and a fellow of the Reading Institute within The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk, was accepted as a scholar into the highly competitive Institute of Education Sciences (IES)-funded training program, CATIE (Comprehensive Program for Adaptive Interventions Training in Education)
The training is designed for scholars with doctoral degrees interested in learning more about how to build high-quality adaptive interventions in education. Participants in the training receive rigorous foundations in the design, funding, conduct and analysis of novel experimental design methods for optimizing adaptive interventions, including SMART designs.
As part of the rigorous three-day training, participants also receive professional career development through guidance and mentorship before, during and after the training to support their research plans related to adaptive interventions in educational settings.
Dr. Toste’s research interests are around intensive interventions for students with reading disabilities, with a particular focus on data-based decision-making processes and motivation. Before joining the College of Education in 2013, Dr. Toste was trained in reading intervention research as a postdoctoral fellow at Vanderbilt University (2011-13) and as a Fulbright scholar/visiting researcher at the Florida Center for Reading Research (2008-09).