
Educational Leadership and Policy News

UT College of Education Professor Wins Prestigious Fellowship for the Second Time
May. 05, 2016
Huriya Jabbar will extend school choice research, study market-based reform effects on teacher labor market

Bukoski Wins NASPA Student Affairs Award
Apr. 28, 2016
Beth Bukoski The National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Region III has awarded Beth Bukoski, clinical assistant professor and assistant program coordinator in the Department of Educational Administration, with its Outstanding Contribution to Student Affairs through Teaching award. NASPA chose Bukoski based on her nomination by…

Ensuring Latino Males’ Success in Higher Education: New book explores what inhibits and promotes Latino male college success
Feb. 22, 2016
AUSTIN, TX: UT Ensuring the Success of Latino Males in Higher Education: A National Imperative, a new book co-edited by Associate Professor and Executive Director of Project MALES Dr. Victor Saenz, shares new research from emerging scholars and seasoned practitioners that shines a light on factors that inhibit or…

UT College of Education Alumnus Ryan Miller, Ph.D., receives National Award from NASPA
Jan. 22, 2016
Ryan A. Miller, director for inclusion and equity at The University of Texas at Austin and a graduate of the College of Education, is the winner of the 2016 Melvene D. Hardee Dissertation of the Year Award.