The College of Education welcomes new faculty for the 2019-2020 academic year. This year, the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy is joined by Ericka Roland.

Ericka Roland
What institution were you most previously with and what was your role?
Prior to this appointment, I was a post-doctoral scholar in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy’s Program in Higher Education Leadership (PHEL) at The University of Texas at Austin. I worked independently on my research agenda and collaboratively with PHEL faculty and students regarding research and teaching on equity in higher education.
What are your research interests or area of specialty?
My research focuses on critical teaching and learning for personal and institutional transformation. This line of inquiry is organized into three interconnected strands: transformative curriculum and pedagogies, relationships among individuals and institutions, and leadership development.
What sparked those interests?
My research interests were sparked by my work in student affairs, community facilitations, formal education, and my love for teaching.
What are you excited about for your new position at UT?
I am excited to continue being part of the dynamic team in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy. Also, I am excited to work with master’s and doctoral students in the program.
What do you hope to contribute to the College of Education or the Austin community?
I hope to contribute to the College of Education various ways of engaging in transformative teaching and learning to develop a socially conscious education community.