David DeMatthews

W.K. Kellogg Endowed Professorship, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy
W. K. Kellogg Professorship of Community College Leadership (Holder)
Phone: +1 512 232 2413
Email: ddematthews@austin.utexas.edu
Office: SZB 3.714J
View Curriculum Vitae (pdf)
David DeMatthews is the W.K. Kellogg Endowed Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy at the University of Texas at Austin. He is the founder of the Texas Education Leadership Lab and holds a courtesy appointment in the Department of Special Education. He is also the director of the Cooperative Superintendency Program. Prior to arriving at UT-Austin in 2018, DeMatthews was an assistant professor at the University of Texas at El Paso. He began his career in education working as a teacher, campus leader, and district administrator in Baltimore City Public Schools and the District of Columbia Public Schools.
DeMatthews' research focuses on district and school leadership. More specifically, he aims to understand how educational leaders create and sustain schools where all students are present, meaningfully engaged, and achieving at high levels, with a specific focus on students with disabilities. Given the importance of stable district and school leadership to school improvement processes, he has also cultivated a stream of research focused on superintendent and principal career pathways, job-related stress and burnout, and turnover.
He has published over 150 research articles in academic journals, book chapters in edited volumes, research reports, and editorials in media outlets. DeMatthews' research has been published in Educational Researcher, Educational Administration Quarterly, AERA Open, Teachers College Record, Elementary School Journal, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Educational Policy, Journal of Educational Administration, Urban Education, Journal of School Leadership, Journal of Research on Leadership Education, and Leadership and Policy in Schools. DeMatthews authored and edited 5 books, including, Community Engaged Leadership for Social Justice: A Critical Approach in Urban Schools with Routledge. DeMatthews is the lead author on the Inclusive Principal Leadership Innovation Configuration, an evidenced-based guidance document develop to improve principal leadership in the area of special education and supporting students with disabilities.
DeMatthews' work and ideas have been featured in prominent media outlets including The New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, The Guardian, Associated Press, ProPublica, ABC News, Education Week, The Hill, The Dallas Morning News, Houston Chronicle, and other regional outlets. He regularly appears as a commentator on public education policy issues in national and regional media outlets, especially on topics related to special education, principal and teacher workforce, school choice and vouchers, and school safety.
DeMatthews has received numerous honors and awards within the field of educational leadership and policy. He served as President of the University Council of Educational Administration (UCEA) in 2021. DeMatthews also served as Chair of the AERA Leadership for School Improvement Special Interest Group (2020-21). In 2017, he received the UCEA Jack A. Culbertson Award, which is given annually to an outstanding junior educational leadership professor in recognition of significant contributions to the field of educational leadership. He also received the 2018 William J. Davis Award for the most outstanding article to appear in Educational Administration Quarterly (the top journal in the field of educational administration and leadership) and the 2017 Paula Silver Case Award for the most outstanding article in the Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership. Dr. DeMatthews also has served on committees to support the development of national educational leadership standards and efforts to enhance how states and universities improve educator preparation.
Focuses on school and district leadership, inclusive practices for students with disabilities, and school improvement with an emphasis on improving student achievement and addressing inequities in classrooms, schools, and communities.
Co-Principal Investigator (Principal Investigator: David Knight). National Science Foundation. Funded: $1,497,125.
Co-Principal Investigator (Principal Investigator: D. Brent Edwards). Dubai Cares. Funded: $913,770.
Principal Investigator. Texas Global. Funded: $10,000
Principal Investigator. The Holdsworth Center. Funded: $93,384.
Co-Investigator (Principal Investigator: Debra Cantu). Wallace Foundation. Subcontract Award Funded: $1,800,000. Subcontract awarded through San Antonio Independent School District (Principal Investigator: Leanne Hernandez).
Principal Investigator. Donor gift from World Class ROI, LLC. Funded: $40,000.
Collaborator (Principal Investigator: Austin Independent School District). Texas Education Agency. Funded: $700,000.
His research interests broadly examine nationwide school choice and privatization movements and politics' influence on education policy agenda setting.
Focuses on rural school and district leadership and inclusive leadership practices for students with disabilities
Tye uses organizational theories and qualitative methodologies to examine how organizational structures influence collaboration between special and general education actors at each level of the public educational ecosystem: federal, state, regional, and local
University of Texas at Austin
High Pressure, High Stakes: How Workload and Support Influence Teacher Retention and Student Achievement
University of Texas at Austin
Uncovering the Black Box: The Hiring of Black Educators for Principalship Positions in Suburban Contexts
University of Texas at Austin
Multi-Case Study of Controlled Choice Enrollment Policies in K-12 Public Schools
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas at Austin
From Policy to Practice: Examining Funding, Spending, and Academic Outcomes for English Learners in Texas
University of Texas at Austin
COVID-19 and Principals' Levels of Stress, Burnout, and Intentions to Quit: A Correlational Study
University of Texas at Austin
Financial Risk: Charter School-Specific Risk Factors and Idiosyncratic Risk
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas at Austin
Retaining Principals in High Poverty Public Schools
University of Texas at Austin
Non-Traditional Pathways to the Superintendency
University of Texas at Austin
A Texas Landscape: A Typology of Bilingual and ESL Teacher Preparation Program Profiles
University of Texas at Austin
Lived Experiences of Urban High School Principals: Working Conditions, Stress, and Burnout During the COVID-19 Pandemic
University of Texas at Austin
Stress and Burnout of Principals Who Lead Historically Underperforming Schools
University of Texas at Austin
The Effectiveness of a Dual Credit Program on Black and Hispanic Students in an Urban School District
University of Texas at Austin
Principal Talent and Talent Development: The Case in One Suburban Texas School District
University of Texas at Austin
Texas School Finance System: Superintendents' Perceptions of Funding Issues Contributing to Equity and Adequacy
University of Texas at Austin
Learning to Manage the Fiscal Responsibilities of the Superintendency
University of Texas at El Paso
'Framing' Equity: Using Frame Analysis to Explore Superintendents' Attempts to Implement Policies for Equity
University of Texas at El Paso
Improving Instructional Leadership: A Multi-Case Study of Principal Perspectives on Formal Evaluations
Year | Semester | Course |
2024 | Spring | ELP 394K: Adv Sem: Media/Pr Publ Edu |
2024 | Spring | SED 389: 1-Admin Of Spec Educ Programs |
2023 | Fall | ELP 384T: Sch Imprv: Instr Ldrshp/Dev |
2023 | Fall | ELP 391Q: Qual Rsch Design/Analysis |
2023 | Spring | ELP 390R: Organiztnl Design/Behavior |
2023 | Spring | ELP 394K: Adv Sem: Media/Pr Publ Edu |
2022 | Summer | ELP f394K: Special Ed: Proc/Processes |
2022 | Spring | ELP 390R: Organiztnl Design/Behavior |
2022 | Spring | ELP 394F: Spec Ed Leadership/Policy |
2021 | Fall | ELP 384T: Sch Imprv: Instr Ldrshp/Dev |
2021 | Fall | ELP 394K: Adv Sem: Media/Pr Publ Edu |
2021 | Summer | ELP f394K: Special Ed: Proc/Processes-Wb |
2021 | Spring | ELP 384R: Schl, Fam, Comm Engagement |
2021 | Spring | ELP 390R: Organiztnl Design/Behavior |
2020 | Fall | ELP 384T: Sch Imprv: Instr Ldrshp/Dev |
2020 | Fall | ELP 394K: Adv Sem: Media/Pr Publ Edu |
2020 | Summer | ELP f394K: Special Ed: Proc/Processes -Wb |
2020 | Spring | ELP 384R: Schl, Fam, Comm Engagement |
2019 | Fall | SED 389: Spec Ed Leadership/Policy |
2019 | Fall | ELP 384T: Sch Imprv: Instr Ldrshp/Dev |
2019 | Fall | ELP 394F: Spec Ed Leadership/Policy |
2019 | Spring | ELP 384R: Schl, Fam, Comm Engagement |
2018 | Fall | ELP 384T: Sch Imprv: Instr Ldrshp/Dev |
David DeMatthews on the Difficulty Faced by Students Who Have Limited Access to Technology
David E. DeMatthews: Take Time to Support Students Instead of Preparing them for the STAAR Test
Texas Education Expert David DeMatthews Predicts Wave of Teacher Retirements as Schools Reopen
David DeMathews: Students with Disabilities Could Lose with COVID-19 Stimulus Package
David DeMatthews on the Uvalde School Shooting.
David DeMatthews and David Knight: School vouchers a "terrible idea" for Texas' public schools
David DeMatthews and Doctoral Advisee Lebon James: Advice for New Principals in Education Week
David DeMatthews and Eleanor Su-Keene in Education Week: Rx for Principal
David DeMatthews Provides Advice for Education Researchers on Why and How to Write Op-Eds
David DeMatthews: Editorial on the One Year Anniversary of the Uvalde School Shooting
David DeMatthews on the Harm to Students with Disabilities from Proposed School Voucher Legislation
David DeMatthews on How School Vouchers are a Taxpayer Swindle