Educational Psychology

Leadership in Science and Practice

Ranked sixth in the nation by U.S. News & World Report, the Department of Educational Psychology is dedicated to advancing knowledge of human behavior as it relates to education. The majority of our programs are at the graduate level and only an undergraduate minor is offered. We train students to work as teachers, counselors, evaluators and researchers in educational environments in order to develop valuable skills in the areas of human development and behavior, the psychology of education, learning theory and research and evaluation methods.


Our department is dedicated to advancing knowledge of human behavior as it relates to education.

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We train our students to work as teachers, counselors, evaluators and researchers in educational environments. Students develop skills in the areas of human development and behavior, psychology of education, learning theory, and research and evaluation methods.

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Faculty and students conduct research aimed at promoting and understanding learning, mental health and school success. Our labs and nationally recognized research centers are dedicated to examining cognition, culture and coping and stress.

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