Cooperative Superintendency students participate in a class.

Educational Leadership and Policy

Leading the Future of Education

The Department of Educational Leadership and Policy consists of two program areas that offer master’s and doctoral degree concentrations in specific fields: the Program in Higher Education Leadership and Policy and the Public School Executive Leadership Program.

Our department has a legacy of excellence in training scholars, practitioners and educational leaders for PK-12 public schools, higher education and the P-16 policy arena. Our change-making graduates go on to serve as superintendents, school principals, professors, researchers and student affairs professionals. Our award-winning faculty, nationally recognized graduate programs, and highly regarded research centers focus on educational leadership and policy through an equity and social justice lens.


The Department of Educational Leadership and Policy is a community of students, faculty, staff and policy influencers that share a common goal of improving educational opportunities for all.

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Our Programs

The Department of Educational Leadership and Policy offers graduate programs that develop thought leaders and administrators for public school, college and university settings.

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Our department’s research has a direct effect on policies and practices that support students, administrators and leaders in P-16 educational settings. Our masters and doctoral students engage in research that is responsive to the ongoing challenges faced across educational sectors.

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