Degree Requirements and Courses

Specific requirements for each master’s and doctoral degree program in Movement and Cognitive Rehabilitation Science (MCRS) are outlined below. All organized graduate courses (i.e., not including Directed Research or Internship) must be taken for a letter grade. Courses taken outside of MCRS may be taken on a credit/no credit basis (with adviser’s approval), as allowed by the Graduate School (i.e., no more than 6 credit hours, or 20% of the hours on the Program of Work). All graduate students, except for non-thesis masters students and doctoral students who are in candidacy, must enroll in KIN 197/397 MCRS Graduate Seminar every year.

Master of Education (M.Ed.) without Thesis or Report (minimum 36 hours)

  • One advisor-approved graduate statistics or research methods course 3 hours
    • Either “Proposal Writing” or advisor-approved graduate statistics course (see list)
  • Internship or culminating experience (e.g., KIN397P) 3 hours
  • 12 hours of graduate Movement and Cognitive Rehabilitation Science courses that include:
    • KIN 395 Motor Control: Performance and Learning
    • KIN 395 Motor Control: Neuromuscular Bases
    • KIN 395 Biomechanics in Clinical Settings
  • 18 additional hours of adviser-approved coursework, of which:
    • No more than 9 hours may be “Independent Study” (e.g., KIN 396T or 397)
    • No more than 6 hours may be taken outside the department.
  • No more than 6 hours of undergraduate coursework (which must be upper-division and may not include required prerequisites) may be counted

Masters of Science (M.S.) with Report (minimum 33 hours)

  • One advisor-approved graduate statistics or research methods course 3 hours
    • Either “Proposal Writing” or advisor-approved graduate statistics course (see list)
  • KIN 396T Directed Research & KIN 398R Report 6 hours
  • KIN 382 Biomechanics Laboratory Techniques 3 hours
  • 12 hours of graduate Movement and Cognitive Rehabilitation Science courses that include:
    • KIN 395 Motor Control: Performance and Learning
    • KIN 395 Motor Control: Neuromuscular Bases
    • KIN 395 Biomechanics in Clinical Settings
  • 9 hours of adviser-approved coursework, of which:
    • No more than 6 hours may be taken outside the department
  • No more than 6 hours of undergraduate coursework (which must be upper-division and may not include required prerequisites) may be counted

Master of Science (M.S.) with Thesis (minimum 30 hours)

  • KIN 386 Research Methods (choose 1 of 2 options) 3 hours 
    Either “Proposal Writing” or “Grant Writing” (second year masters students only)
  • At least one advisor-approved graduate statistics course (see list) 3 hours
  • KIN 698A & 698B – Thesis 6 hours
  • KIN 382 Biomechanics Laboratory Techniques 3 hours
  • 12 hours of graduate Movement and Cognitive Rehabilitation Science courses that include:
    • KIN 395 Motor Control: Performance and Learning
    • KIN 395 Motor Control: Neuromuscular Bases
    • KIN 395 Biomechanics in Clinical Settings
  • 3 hours of adviser-approved coursework
  • No more than 6 hours of undergraduate coursework (which must be upper-division and may not include required prerequisites) may be counted

Ph.D. Required Coursework

  • 15 hours of graduate Movement and Cognitive Rehabilitation Science courses that include:
    • KIN 382 Biomechanics Laboratory Techniques
    • KIN 395 Motor Control: Performance and Learning
    • KIN 395 Motor Control: Neuromuscular Bases
    • KIN 395 Biomechanics in Clinical Settings
  • Directed/Independent Study and/or doctoral seminar (minimum 12 hours)
    • KIN 397/197 MCRS Doctoral Seminar (every semester except during candidacy)
    • At least 8 additional hours of directed research
  • Statistics and Grant Writing (minimum 9 hours [see list], must include multivariate)
    • KIN 386 Research Methods: Grant Writing
    • At least two advisor-approved graduate statistics or research methods courses
  • Supporting coursework outside Department (minimum 3 hours)
    • At least two advisor-approved courses
  • Dissertation (minimum of 18 hours)
    • KIN 999R/999W Dissertation
  • No more than 6 hours of undergraduate coursework (which must be upper-division and may not include required prerequisites) may be counted

Department Courses

Organized Courses in Movement and Cognitive Rehabilitation Science

  • KIN 382 Motor Development Assessment
  • KIN 395 Biomechanics in Clinical Settings
  • KIN 395 Biomechanics of Sport
  • KIN 395 Motor Control: Performance and Learning
  • KIN 395 Motor Control: Neuromuscular Bases
  • KIN 395 Neuromuscular Aspects of Fatigue and Training
  • KIN 395 Children’s Exercise and Physical Activity
  • KIN 395 Neuromuscular Mechanisms of Physical Rehabilitation

Research Methods Course Options

  • KIN 386 Research Methods:  Proposal Writing
  • KIN 386 Research Methods:  Grant Writing
  • KIN 386 Research Methods:  Applied Research Techniques

Laboratory Techniques Course

  • KIN 382 Biomechanics Laboratory Techniques

Sample Graduate Statistics Courses

  • BME 380J.5 Biostatistics
  • EDP 380E Fundamental Statistics
  • EDP 380P Measurement and Evaluation
  • EDP 482K Experimental Design and Statistical Inference
  • EDP 382K Correlation and Regression
  • EDP 382K Survey of Multivariate Methods
  • SDS 380D Statistical Methods II
  • SSC 382 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
  • SSC 385 Topics in Applied Statistics: Experimental Design
  • SSC 385 Topics in Applied Statistics: Applied Regression
  • SSC 385 Topics in Applied Statistics: Applied Multivariate Methods

Sample Non-department Courses

Movement and Cognitive Rehabilitation Science students may take a variety of non-departmental courses to complement their degree plan and programs of study.

  • ANT 392L Physical Anthropology: Morphology/Evolution
  • ANT 391L Analysis of Primate Anatomy
  • BIO 365S Human Systems Physiology
  • BIO 382K Informatics/Data Analyses Life Science
  • ESL 389S Advanced Oral Communication
  • ESL 389W Advanced Academic Writing
  • M E 385J: Rehabilitation Engineering
  • N 382 Sociocultural Influences on Health
  • N 396C Advanced Pathophysiology
  • NEU 185D Responsible Conduct of Science
  • NEU 383C Functional Neuroanatomy
  • NEU 385L Neurobiology of Disease
  • NEU 482T Principles of Neuroscience I
  • NEU 383T Principles of Neuroscience II
  • NEU 394P Career Dev for Neuroscientists
  • NTR 390 Principles of Epidemiology in Nutritional Science
  • NTR 390 Molecular Nutritional Science
  • PGS 384T Advanced Epidemiology
  • PGS 386C Cellular/Systems Physiology I
  • PGS 384S Introduction to Epidemiology
  • PGS 386D Cellular/System Physiology II
  • PSY 184R Data Analysis with R
  • PSY 394P Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience
  • SOC 389K Human Mortality
  • SOC 395L Race and the Body
  • SOC 395J Gender, Health, and Society