Our collective research work as a department spans both K-12 and higher education issues, and the impact of our research contributions is evident at the state and national levels. Our department is currently ranked 5th in the nation in Educational Administration and Supervision and 14th for Higher Education Administration by U.S. News & World Report. A key reason for this is the significant legacy our department has built over the decades in training educational leaders for K-12 and higher education contexts. Another important reason for our strong national reputation is the timely and relevant research conducted by our faculty and graduate students.
Our research has a direct effect on policies and practices that support students, administrators and leaders in P-16 educational settings. Our masters and doctoral students engage in research that is responsive to the ongoing challenges faced across educational sectors. Many of our faculty serve as experts and advisors to state legislatures, policy organizations and educational institutions.
Our department is home to several nationally recognized research centers and grant-funded initiatives. Some are focused on community college student engagement, others on improving teaching and learning for higher education faculty, and others on promoting the success of unique populations of students or other educational stakeholders. By focusing on issues of access, opportunity and leadership, this collective research work examines the factors that promote retention, engagement, completion and success of all stakeholders in education.
Centers and Institutes

CCCSE, a service and research initiative, assists institutions and policymakers in using information to promote improvements in student learning, persistence, and attainment by delivering “aha” moments about the student experience based on insights that matter. Since its founding in 2001, more than 70% of the nation’s community colleges have participated multiple times in a CCCSE survey.
Learn More about CCCSE
NISOD is a membership organization committed to promoting and celebrating excellence in teaching, learning and leadership at community and technical colleges. NISOD provides activities and programs such as webinars, writing contests, conferences and publications. These programs that are based on the premise that teaching excellence is a result of concerned and focused leadership, increased awareness and use of adult learning principles, exemplary teaching practices and technologies, and a profound commitment to student success.
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The Texas Center for Education Policy (TCEP) brings together researchers whose work has a direct bearing on current policy issues in education communities statewide. The center accomplishes this through a series of highly successful policy brown bags. Several of the center’s researchers have been involved in the state legislative session, advising policymakers on topics such as dropout prevention, student assessment and teacher quality.
Learn More about TCEP
Now housed in the College of Education, Project MALES (Mentoring to Achieve Latino Educational Success) employs research and mentoring initiatives to address the emerging gender gap for Latino secondary and postsecondary educational attainment.
Learn More about Project MALES
The University of Texas Education Research Center (UTERC) is a jointly established research collaborative comprised of three University of Texas System campuses (Austin, San Antonio and Pan American) and Texas State University – San Marcos. The UTTCERP reports findings on critical education issues in Texas.
Learn More about TERC