Career Preparation: Fall 2020 Out of State School District Meet & Greet

Oct 28, 2020 - Oct 28, 2020
11:30 pm - 12:30 am (CST)

Recruiters from school districts will be virtually present to answer questions on their distinct hiring process, interview skills, resume tips, etc.

Students are encouraged to dress professionally, prepare resumes, network, and ask questions in preparation for the Fall 2020 Career Fair. There is no formal presentation. Rather, the event is designed to serve as a rehearsal for the job fair. 

Please note that there are TWO Meet and Greets. One will host Texas school district recruiters while this event will host out-of-state recruiters.

Student teachers must attend one of the two Meet and Greets AND the Job Search Tools Workshop in order to fulfill the PDS requirement.

Participating Organizations

Jeffco Public Schools