Career Preparation: Fall 2023 Out-of-State School District Meet & Greet
Join the Career Engagement team for the opportunity to build you network with recruiters from out-of-state school districts. Connect with potential employers to learn and ask questions about their district hiring process, interview skills, resume tips, etc. This event is designed to serve as a rehearsal for the Fall 2023 Teacher Career Fair and students are encouraged to dress professionally and prepare their résumés.
Participation in the Job Search Tools Workshop, either the Texas or Out-of-State Meet & Greet and the Fall 2023 Teacher Career Fair is mandatory for the following in order to receive credit for the Professional Development Sequence:
- EC-6 ESL student teachers
- EC-6 bilingual student teachers
- Special Education student teachers
Make an impression, visit Preparation for Career Fairs and Tips to Dress for Success for best practices as you get ready to attend.