From Octavia to Cherry: Queer of Color Critique, Ballroom Culture and Black LGBTQ+ Inclusive Curriculum
Join us for our Dean’s Special Lecture Series featuring Shamari Reid, assistant professor of Teaching & Learning at NYU’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development.
This important conversation recognizes the negative schooling experiences of Black LGBTQ+ youth, how the informal LGBTQ+ curriculum often centers whiteness, and the lack of clarity around what constitutes a formal LGBTQ+ inclusive curriculum. During this discussion, Shamari will draw on Queer of Color Critique (QOCC) to present a different approach to designing a K-12 inclusive curriculum that affirms, celebrates and reflects the lived experiences of Black 2SLGBT+ youth.
Additionally, he will offer curricular examples of how a curriculum grounded in QOCC can resist reproducing an inclusive curriculum that centers whiteness and damage-centered narratives of LGBTQ+ individuals.
About the Speaker:
“I often refer to myself as an ordinary Black Gay cisgender man from Oklahoma with extraordinary dreams. Currently, that dream involves working with trans and queer communities of color to reimagine the ways we approach teaching and learning. I am grateful to continue this work in NYC as an incoming Assistant Professor of Teaching & Learning at NYU|Steinhardt. My specific research interests include Black youth agency, Black LGBTQ+ world-making, the role of critical love in education, and transformative teacher education.” Visit his website here.