Get to Know Graduate School: COE Graduate Program Info Session
Join the College of Education at UT Austin for an informative virtual session that covers the ins and outs of our graduate programs.
Designed specifically for anyone interested in a master’s or doctoral degree in the area of education, teacher education, bilingual education, special education, counseling, school and clinical psychology, human development, health behavior/education, exercise physiology, sport management, higher education leadership and policy, educational policy and planning and more, this information session will provide comprehensive insights into graduate school at UT.
Following an overview of the admissions process and requirements, fellowships/funding and financial aid, research and faculty mentorship opportunities, attendees are invited to break-out sessions hosted by each of our five departments to take a deeper dive into the specific programs we offer:
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Educational Psychology
- Educational Leadership and Policy
- Kinesiology and Health Education
- Special Education
- STEM Education