Aaron Rochlen

Headshot of  Aaron B Rochlen
Clinical Professor, Department of Educational Psychology

Phone: +1 512 471 0361, +1 512 471 4409
Email: arochlen@austin.utexas.edu
Office: SZB 5.404E
Office Hours: by appointment

The research of Aaron Rochlen has focused on men and masculinity, with a particular emphasis on men's mental health and help-seeking patterns. Within this area, his recent research has addressed help-seeking alternatives for men, non-traditional work/career roles, as well as the unique experiences of men with depression. Rochlen has also contributed to the academic literature documenting the negative physical and psychological consequences (e.g., depression, anxiety, relationship problems) associated with adherence to traditional male roles.

Rochlen has a secondary interest area in the use and application of technology within the practice of psychotherapy. He has co-published an instrument of attitudes toward online counseling services and has used this measure in a study addressing men's perceptions toward online versus face-to-face counseling services. Earlier in his career, Rochlen published research in the areas of career counseling and the use of dreams in therapy.

Note: Dr. Rochlen will not be taking new students for the 2024 academic year.