Beth Maloch

Headshot of  Beth Maloch
Senior Associate Dean, College of Education
Elizabeth Shatto Massey Endowed Chair in Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Elizabeth Shatto Massey Endowed Chair in Education (Holder)
Distinguished Teaching Professor

Phone: +1 512 471 3476
Office: SZB 4.714J, SZB 2.714D
View Curriculum Vitae (pdf)

Dr. Maloch's research attends closely to the discourse of classrooms, particularly the discussion that happens around text, as well as preservice teacher education. Most recently, her research has focused on the coaching and mentoring that takes place in teacher education programs, particularly by the cooperating teachers. Dr. Maloch is the Senior Associate Dean of the College of Education and a professor in Language and Literacy Studies in the Department of Curriculum and instruction. She previously served the college as Associate Dean for Administration and Educator Preparation. She teaches undergraduate courses in literacy methods and graduate courses in classroom discourse and discourse analysis.