Barbara Gideon

Headshot of  Barbara H Gideon
Assistant Professor of Practice, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy

Office: SZB
Office Hours: by appointment
View Curriculum Vitae (pdf)

Barbara H. Gideon Ed.D. (Bobbie) is a learner foremost; she currently teaches as a Professor of Practice in the University of Texas at Austin College of Education, Texas Principal Leadership Academy and works to support implementation of strong instructional systems. She has served as a professor and site coordinator for the University of Texas Collaborative Urban Leadership Program, and as an adjunct professor at The University of Texas and Texas State University.

Gideon develops school leaders with the knowledge, skills, and disposition to foster collaborative instructional systems to produce high levels of adult engagement in their unique school environments to assure every student learns well and thrives, with a focus on equity and continuous improvement. She works with school teams to foster school improvement, is a researcher/writer regarding school improvement, and mentors principals and their leadership teams.

She has served as a teacher, principal and district leader. She previously served as teacher of English, oversaw remedial community college programs, and as an academic dean. As Principal of David Crockett High School in Austin ISD the school was named a Blue Ribbon School and one of Newsweek Magazine 100 Best High Schools.

Gideon has a BA in English and History, a MA in Reading, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership. She holds a Texas Teaching Certificate, Mid- Management and Principalship certificates, and is a certified Cognitive Coach.