Brian Cabral

Headshot of  Brian  Cabral
Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Office: SZB
Office Hours: By appointment

Dr. Brian Cabral (he/él) is a Chicagoan, sociologist, and Assistant Professor of Youth and Community Studies in Cultural Studies in Education. His broader scholarly agenda is attentive to inquiries related to race, place, language, and carcerality. His most recent project is focused on the educational, schooling, and reentry experiences of formerly incarcerated youth enrolled in a community-based organization in the San Francisco Bay Area. The central focus of his work, however, is on broadening conceptions of the intimate relations between schools and prisons, particularly in the pK-12 contexts. Other work is focused on the interrogation of power asymmetries, (de)coloniality, racial capitalism, and state-based violence.

Currently, Brian is working on manuscripts related to the youth carceral state, community-based youthwork, schooling reentry, and educational abolitionism. His previous writings can be found in Race, Ethnicity and Education, Educational Studies, Critical Sociology, American Educational Research Journal, Teachers College Record, Journal of School Violence, to name a few.

Brian received his PhD in the Race, Inequality, and Language in Education program at Stanford University's Graduate School of Education, with a specialization in Sociology of Education. He also received his MA in Sociology at Stanford and BA in Sociology with distinction (highest honors) at Oberlin College. Brian is also a product of Chicago Public Schools, particularly a proud graduate from Social Justice High School, located in the Little Village neighborhood of Mexican Chicago.