Christian Doabler

Headshot of  Christian  Doabler
Associate Professor, Department of Special Education
Oscar and Anne Mauzy Regents Professorship for Educational Research and Development (Fellow)

Phone: +1 512 471 7256
Office: SZB 5.804H
View Curriculum Vitae (pdf)

Christian T. Doabler is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Special Education and a Research Fellow of the Mathematics and Science Institute for Students with Special Needs at The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk at The University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Doabler's research focuses on designing and delivering effective science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) instruction for students who are at risk for learning difficulties, including English learners and students from marginalized and underserved communities. His research also includes supporting teachers' use of evidence-based practices to promote equitable access to rich and engaging STEM instruction for the full range of learners.

As a Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI), he has been awarded over $37.5 million across 17 research projects funded by the U.S. Dept. of Education, the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Office of Special Education Programs. Dr. Doabler currently serves as PI on a $5 million dollar, NSF-sponsored DRK-12 Impact study (Precision Mathematics: 2020-2025) focused on testing the efficacy of a first-grade mathematics intervention for English learners who face long-term mathematics difficulties. Dr. Doabler also serves as PI on two DRK-12 Design and Development projects funded by NSF. The primary aims of these NSF-sponsored projects are to design and test innovative mathematics (Precision Mathematics: 2015-2021) and science (Scientific Explorers: 2017-2021) interventions for struggling learners in first and second grade.

Additionally, he serves as a Co-PI on two IES-funded Goal-3 Efficacy Trials (RAAMPS: 2020-2024 and Fusion: 2016-2020) designed to test the impact of Tier 2 mathematics interventions on student mathematics outcomes. He also serves as a Co-PI on an IES-funded (Research Networks Program), multi-year project focused on the cohesive integration of behavior support within a process of data-based intervention intensification (Project BASIC: 2018-2023). Dr. Doabler has also served as PI on an Institute of Education Sciences (IES)-funded Goal-1 Exploration grant (Project CIFOR: 2015-2018) aimed at investigating important associations between malleable factors of instruction and student academic outcomes within an archival, multi-intervention observation dataset collected during the course of four IES-funded efficacy trials. He has published 50 peer-reviewed publications and led the design and development of four IES-sponsored Tier 2 mathematics interventions, two NSF-sponsored Tier 2 mathematics interventions, and an NSF-sponsored science program.

Each year, Dr. Doabler seeks applications for qualified doctoral students to work under his mentorship to design and test effective interventions intended for students from groups traditionally underrepresented in the STEM fields.