Dorothy Lambdin

Headshot of  Dorothy D Lambdin
Clinical Professor Emeritus, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education


Lambdin taught in the Physical Education Teacher Education program in the Department of Kinesiology. She has taught in elementary schools in New York and Maryland as well as here in Austin. Fourteen of her 27 years teaching experience have involved teaching simultaneously in the university teacher education program and as a physical education specialist in a local elementary school. Lambdin worked with the National Association for Sport and Physical Education and with Texas Board for Teacher Certification in establishing the national and state standards for beginning teachers. She also served on the Texas Education Agency TEKS writing team for physical education. Her passion is communicating the importance of physical activity for children and visions of quality physical education. She has received funding from the United States Physical Education Association for this work. She has done additional research on teacher development and how teachers' lives and careers interact.