Grace MyHyun Kim

Faculty Affiliate, Department of Asian Studies, College of Liberal Arts
Associate Professor, Center for Asian American Studies, College of Liberal Arts
H. E. Hartfelder/The Southland Corporation Regents Chair in Human Resource Development (Fellow)
Office: SZB 4.714A
Grace MyHyun Kim is an associate professor of Language and Literacy Studies in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. She also serves as both a core faculty member of the Center for Asian American Studies and a faculty affiliate of the Department of Asian Studies. Her research focuses on adolescent literacy, new media, and multicultural education within a global context, with particular interests in the intersections of language, identity, and power. Some of the funding sources that have supported her research include the Spencer Foundation, the National Council for Teachers of English (NCTE) Research Foundation's Cultivating New Voices (CNV) program, and the University of California, Berkeley's Institute for East Asian Studies and Center for Korean Studies. Her work appears in journals such as Reading Research Quarterly, Research in the Teaching of English, Journal of Literacy Research, Learning, Media and Technology, Race Ethnicity and Education, and Teaching and Teacher Education.
Professor Kim received the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Early Career Scholar award for Research on the Education of Asian and Pacific Americans, the Emerging Scholar award on Language and Social Processes, and the Korean American Educational Research Association's (KAERA) Michael B. Salwen Scholar award. Prior to earning her Ph.D. in 2017 from the University of California, Berkeley, she was a high school English teacher in the United States for seven years and worked on curriculum design and teacher professional development with Stanford University's Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education for five years. At the University of Texas, Professor Kim teaches courses on literacy, culture, and technology, along with secondary English methods courses in the University of Texas Urban Teachers program.