James Hoffman is a Professor of Language and Literacy Studies at The University of Texas at Austin. He directs the undergraduate reading specialization program in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. In addition, he teaches graduate courses focused on literacy research. Dr. Hoffman is a former editor of The Reading Research Quarterly and The Yearbook of the National Reading Conference. He has served as President of the National Reading Conference and as a member of the Board of Directors of the International Reading Association. Dr. Hoffman was an affiliated scholar with both the National Reading Research Center (NRRC) and the Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement (CIERA). He was elected to the Reading Hall of Fame in 2002 and served as President of this organization from 2008-2010. Dr. Hoffman served as the chair for the International Reading Associations Commission and the Prepared to Make a Difference research project. The primary focus for his research has been on teaching and teacher preparation. Dr. Hoffman has published over 150 articles, books and chapters on literacy related topics. He has been active in international literacy projects in Central American, Africa and Asia.
Ph.D., The University of Missouri at Kansas City
Focuses on teacher preparation, the classroom literacy environment and promoting literacy in developing countries.
Roser, N. & Hoffman, J. (2012). From Writing the Word to Reading the World Using Beautiful Books: Language Experience Re-Envisioned. Language Arts, 89(5).
Hoffman, J., Rogers, T., Sailors, M. & Tierney, R. (2011). Multilingual Practices, Critical Literacies, and Visual Culture: A focus on African Contexts. Reading Research Quarterly, 46(4), 389–398.
Hoffman, J., Maloch, B. & Sailors, B. (2011). Researching the teaching of reading through direct observation: Tools, Methodologies, and Guidelines for the future. Handbook of Reading Research (Vol. 4, pp. 3–33): Routledge.
Hoffman, J., Wilson, M., Martinez, R. & Sailors, M. (2011). Content analysis in literacy research: The past, present and future. Literacy Research Methodologies (2ed., pp. 28–49). New York: Guilford Press.
Sailors, M., Makelela, L. & Hoffman, J. (2010). Opportunity Matters: The Ithuba Writing Project in South African Schools. Voices from the Middle, 18(1), 8–16.
Sailors, M., Hoffman, J., Pearson, P., Beretvas, N. & Matthee, Bertus. (2010). The Effects of First and Second Language Instruction in Rural South African Schools. Bilingual Research Journal, 33(1), 21–41.
Hoffman, J., Wyse, D. & Ander, R. (2010). International Handbook of English Language and Literacy Teaching: Taylor Francis.
Sailors, M. & Hoffman, J. (2010). The Effective Classroom Literacy Environment. Handbook of International English Language Literacy Teaching.
Hoffman, J. (2009). In Search of the Simple View of Reading Comprehension. Handbook of Research on Reading Comprehension.
Sailors, M. & Hoffman, J. (2007). South African Schools that Promote Literacy Learning with Students from Low-Income Communities. Reading Research Quarterly, 42(3), 64.
Hoffman, J. & Schallert, D. (2005). The Texts in the Elementary Classroom: Lawrence Erlbaum & Associates.
Hoffman, J. (2000). Balancing Principles for Elementary Reading Instruction: Lawrence Erlbaum & Associates.
Hoffman, J. (n.d.). Why EGRA --a Clone of DIBELS-- will Fail to Improve Literacy in Africa. Research in the Teaching of English, 46(4), 340–357.
Hoffman, J. (n.d.). Reading Fluency: Neglected or Corrupted?. Yearbook of National Reading Conference.