Joan Hughes

Phone: +1 512 232 4145
Office: SZB 4.318B
Office Hours: Thursday 2:30-4:30 PM. Sign up at
Dr. Hughes has twenty-four years of teaching and research experience in the K-12 educational technology space. Her research and teaching focuses on teacher learning and technology integration in preservice teacher settings and PK-12 schools. She studies how teachers and K-12 students use technologies in-and-outside the classroom for subject area learning and how school leaders support classroom technology integration. She also explores the preparation of new teachers (in university certification programs) to determine how and what they are being prepared to do with technology in their future teaching positions. Her publications have been cited more than 3400 times. Her twenty-four years working in the educational technology field began as an elementary and middle school computer teacher in Silicon Valley in the early 1990s.
Research focuses on school contexts and teacher knowledge and experiences that support the establishment of digital equity for learning in K-12 schools, classrooms, and communities.
I study how teacher preparation programs prepare novice teachers to be prepared to integrate digital technologies into Pk-12 teaching and learning contexts primarily in public school settings. I have examined a range of indicators including preservice teachers' digital technology self-efficacy, attitude towards technology integration, degree of directed vs. constructivist teaching philosophy, student and faculty uses of technology in university coursework and in PK-12 fieldwork, and intentions for future use.
I descriptively examine how schools are supporting the integration of digital technologies in support of content-focused learning. I have examined how teachers come to know and do what they do with technologies in the classroom. I have examined schools as a "case" in which I come to understand the degree of integration from student, teacher, and school leaders' perspectives. I typically conduct my research in schools that I refer to as "modal" in that they are not sites of unusual influx of funds for special projects. While some schools have access to more funds than others, I study how and what schools do with what they have available. I completed a four-school comparative case study that examined technology integration while the school context varied in terms of student population (ethnicity, SES, and ELL) and location (urban, rural, suburban). I recently began an ethnographic study of a high school that implemented a ubiquitous iPad immersion that aimed to shift how the teachers taught and students learned.
Adaptive learning technology, learning experience design, learning engineering, UX
Year | Semester | Course |
2024 | Spring | EDC 386R: Intro To Qualitative Research |
2023 | Fall | EDC 395T: Dir Rsch Studies In Lrng Tech |
2023 | Spring | EDC 390T: Iss/Strat For Instr Tech Leadr |
2023 | Spring | EDC 395T: Dir Rsch Studies In Lrng Tech |
2022 | Fall | EDC 386R: Intro To Qualitative Research |
2021 | Spring | EDC 386R: Intro To Qualitative Research |
2020 | Fall | EDC 385G: Current Issues Lrng Technol-Wb |
2020 | Spring | EDC 396: 3-Learning Technologies |
2018 | Fall | EDC 385G: Current Issues Lrning Technol |
2018 | Summer | EDC f386R: Intro To Qualitative Research |
2018 | Spring | EDC 385G: 49-Tchg/Lrng With The Internet |
2017 | Fall | EDC 396: 3-Learning Technologies |
2017 | Spring | EDC 386R: Intro To Qualitative Research |
2016 | Fall | EDC 385G: 87-Tech/Tchr Lrng/School Chg |
2016 | Spring | EDC 385G: 49-Educ Comm: The Internet |
2016 | Spring | EDC 386R: Intro To Qualitative Research |
2015 | Spring | EDC 385G: Ed Comm: Tch/Lrn-Internet |
2015 | Spring | EDC 386R: Intro To Qualitative Research |
2014 | Fall | EDC 390T: Iss/Strat For Instr Tech Leadr |
2014 | Summer | EDC f386R: Intro To Qualitative Research |
2014 | Spring | EDC 385G: Ed Comm: Tch/Lrn-Internet-Wb |
2014 | Spring | EDC 386R: Intro To Qualitative Research |
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