Jody Jensen

Headshot of  Jody L Jensen
Professor Emeritus, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education

Office Hours: T Th 1:30pm-2:30pm; and by appointment
View Curriculum Vitae (pdf)

Jody Jensen is a Professor in the Department of Kinesiology & Health Education at the University of Texas at Austin. Additionally, she holds an adjunct appointment in the Department of Psychology and is a member of the Institute of Neuroscience. Jensen's research interests are in developmental motor control. With training in both motor development and biomechanics, her research has focused on the contributions of mechanics to skill acquisition and changes in motor competence across the lifespan. In her early work, the tasks of posture and locomotion served as the laboratory for understanding age-related changes in the exploitation of non-muscular forces. This work has evolved into the evaluation of strategies for rehabilitation of lower extremity function. In a second line of research, Jensen is exploring the connection between movement experience and cognition. This work is targeted at understanding learning through physical activity in children with neurodevelopmental disorders, specifically autism spectrum disorders. Jensen is the co-founder The Autism Project (TAP) at the University of Texas.