J. Mark Eddy

Headshot of  J. Mark  Eddy
Professor, Department of Educational Psychology
Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education
Margie Gurley Seay Centennial Professorship in Education (Holder)

Email: mark.eddy@austin.utexas.edu
Office: SZB 5.318E, SZB , BEL 324A
Office Hours: By appointment
View Curriculum Vitae (pdf)

J. Mark Eddy is a professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and the Department of Kinesiology and Health Education within the College of Education at the University of Texas at Austin. As a prevention scientist, he develops and rigorously tests prevention and intervention programs intended to benefit children and families, and particularly those who are living in stressful circumstances. His recent work centers on the conduct of randomized controlled trials of multimodal interventions in partnership with school systems, the juvenile justice system, the adult corrections system, the child welfare system, and the military, as well as with nonprofits that work with these and related systems. His research has focused on communities in the U.S. and in Central America. Eddy is a licensed psychologist.

Dr. Eddy will be considering applications for new doctoral students for Fall 2025.