M Ovando Villanueva

Headshot of  M  Ovando Villanueva
Professor Emeritus, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy

Phone: +1 512 471 7551
Email: mnovando@austin.utexas.edu
Office Hours: By appointment

As an Agency for International Development (AID) Fellow, Martha received a Bachelor of Bilingual Elementary Education (1975) and a Master of Educational Administration (1976) from the New Mexico Highlands University. After working for the Ministry of Education in Bolivia, in association with the Agency for Educational Development (AED), she earned a Ph.D. in Educational Administration (1981) from the University of Utah, under the tutelage of Dr. Lloyd E. McCleary.

Upon graduation, she was recruited to serve as the Director of Faculty Development for the Universidad Autónoma del Norteste, Saltillo, Coahuila. From 1981 to 1988, she also served as Academic Director and is currently an invited professor and program advisor for the Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership and Planning.

For the last 31 years, she has been associated with the University of Texas at Austin. She has served in various capacities including Institutional Review Board Faculty, Minority Liaison, Certification Officer, President of the Hispanic Faculty and Staff Association, Member of the Graduate Assembly, and Graduate Advisor for the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education. In 2012, the department created the Martha N. Ovando Award to be presented annually to a graduating cohort member of the University of Texas at Austin Principalship Program in recognition of outstanding student leadership in her honor.

At the present time, she serves as board member for St. Gabriel Catholic School in Austin, Texas, and a board member and Curriculum Committee Chair for Side by Side Kids, a non-profit organization that provides after-school programs, tutoring to elementary school students in underserved communities. Additionally, she has provided professional consultant services to various universities in Latin America, including Argentina, Bolivia, and México.

Ovando is the proud mother of Mayté Antelo-Ovando, who was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. After serving the San Diego Unified School District in California as a licensed School Psychologist for six years, Antelo-Ovando graduated with a Master of Educational Policy Management at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She currently serves as Director of Clinical Services for Heading Home a nonprofit organization that serves homeless in the Boston area.