Mary Steinhardt

Headshot of  Mary A Steinhardt
Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education
Associate Vice President for Research - Research Integrity Officer

Phone: +1 512 232 3535
Office: FAC , BEL 506
Office Hours: By appointment
View Curriculum Vitae (pdf)

Dr. Mary Steinhardt is a professor in the College of Education and serves as the university Research Integrity Officer. She previously served as the university Faculty Ombuds and as a Senior Provost Teaching Fellow. She is a member of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers, and in 2017, received the Civitatis Award, the highest distinction made by the university in recognition of outstanding faculty citizenship. Her research examines the behavioral and biological pathways by which resilience resources impact type 2 diabetes health outcomes among African Americans (NIH Award: R01DK123146).