Sandra Springer

Headshot of  Sandra M Springer
Assistant Professor of Practice, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Office: SZB

Sandra Springer is an assistant professor of practice in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the area of Bilingual and Bicultural Education.

She brings 21 years of experience at the elementary and middle school level in various models of bilingual education, including developmental, one-way dual language and two ways dual language programs. Springer has been involved in different committees in public schools and at the district level to advocate for bilingual education. She has also served as parliamentarian and vice-president of the Austin Area Association for Bilingual Educators (AAABE). She has offered testimony on behalf of her teachers union at the national level to the Democratic National Committee, which included US legislators and leaders, in Washington D.C

Recognition of her practice and mentoring include "Teacher of the Year" two times and semifinalist at the district level. She has also been named Austin Bilingual Teacher of the Year by the Austin Area Association for Bilingual Education, Texas Bilingual Teacher of the Year by the Texas Association for Bilingual Education and runner-up for National Bilingual Teacher of the Year by the National Association for Bilingual Education. Springer has also been a cooperating teacher with the University of Texas, hosting students during their practicum.