Seung Choi is a psychometrician with expertise in applying modern psychometric theories and techniques in developing and validating educational, psychological, and patient-reported outcomes measures. He teaches graduate courses in psychometrics, including Psychometric Theory and Methods, Item Response Theory, Computer Based Testing, and Applied Psychometrics. His research interests are in the development, application, and dissemination of computerized adaptive testing programs.
Ph.D. in Psychometrics, University of Texas at Austin, 1996
M.A. in Quantitative Methods, University of Texas at Austin, 1992
Interests include the development and dissemination of computerized adaptive testing applications in educational and psychological testing and patient-reported outcome measurements.
Cella, D. & Choi, S. W. (2019). PROMIS® Health Profiles: Efficient short-form measures of seven health domains. Value in Health, 22, 537–544.
Choi, S. & Van der Linden, W. J. (2018). Ensuring content validity of patient-reported outcome: a shadow-test approach to their adaptive measurement. Quality of Life Research, 27, 1683–1693.
Choi, S. W., Moellering, K., Li, J. & Van der Linden, W. J. (2016). Optimal reassembly of shadow tests in CAT. Applied Psychological Measurement, 40, 469–485.
Choi, S. W., Schalet, B., Cook, K. F. & Celia, D. (2014). Establishing a Common Metric for Depressive Symptoms: Linking the BDI-II, CES-D, and PHQ-9 to PROMIS Depression. Psychological Assessment, 26, 513–527.
Choi, S. W., Gibbons, L. E. & Crane, P. K. (2011). Iordif: an R package for detecting differential item functioning using iterative hybrid ordinal logistic regression/item response theory and monte carlo simulations. Journal of Statistical Software, 39(8), 1–30.
NIH PROMIS Statistical Coordinating Center (2006-2010)
The goal of this project was to serve as a coordinating center for a NIH-Roadmap initiative, developing a dynamic internet-based computer adaptive testing system for the national PROMIS (Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System) network.
Quality of Life Outcomes in Neurological Disorders (2006-2009)
The purpose of this contract was to create and refine item banks to develop a variety of QOL measurement tools for adult and pediatric populations with neurological disorders and stroke
NIH Toolbox for Assessment of Neurological and Behavioral Function (2008-2011)
The primary objective of this project was to create a toolbox of brief measures for the assessment of neural function across diverse study designs and populations.
NIH PROsetta Stone (2011-2012)
The PRO Rosetta Stone (PROsetta Stone®) developed and applied methods to link the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) with other related instruments (e.g., SF-36, Brief Pain Inventory, CES-D, MASQ, FACIT-Fatigue) to expand the range of PRO assessment options within a common, standardized metric. It provides equivalent scores for different scales that measure the same health outcome.
NIH ECHO Pro Research Resource (2018-2019)
National Institutes of Health ECHO Pro Research Resource: A Developmentally-Based Measurement Science Framework for Assessing Environmental Exposure and Child Health (1U24OD023319-01). Role: Co-PI (PI: Richard Gershon & David Cella, Northwestern University at Chicago). Total funding: $11,208,827 (UT sub-award: $166,262). Duration: Jun. 1, 2018-Aug. 31, 2019.
Courses by year and semesterYear | Semester | Course |
2024 | Spring | EDP 380C: 26-Data Explr/Visualizatn In R |
2023 | Fall | EDP 380D: 8-Item Response Theory |
2023 | Spring | EDP 380C: 26-Data Explr/Visualizatn In R |
2023 | Spring | EDP 380D: 4-Psychometric Theory/Mthds |
2022 | Fall | EDP 380D: 14-Applied Psychometrics |
2022 | Spring | EDP 380D: 4-Psychometric Theory/Mthds |
2021 | Fall | EDP 380C: Data Expl/Visualization In R |
2021 | Fall | EDP 380D: 8-Item Response Theory |
2021 | Spring | EDP 380C: 20-Data Analysis/Sim In R-Wb |
2021 | Spring | EDP 380D: 4-Psychometric Theory/Mthds-Wb |
2020 | Fall | EDP 380C: 20-Data Analysis/Sim In R-Wb |
2020 | Fall | EDP 380D: 8-Item Response Theory-Wb |
2020 | Spring | EDP 380D: 4-Psychometric Theory/Mthds |
2020 | Spring | EDP 380D: 14-Applied Psychometrics |
2019 | Fall | EDP 380D: 12-Computer-Based Testing |
2019 | Spring | EDP 380D: 8-Item Response Theory |
2018 | Fall | EDP 380D: 4-Psychometric Theory/Mthds |