David K. Brace

A leader and pioneer in research, teaching, and service in test and measurement.
Envisioned and Designed
- Brace Motor Ability Test
- the first test in physical education based on scientific method
- Physical Education in Public Schools
- Instrumental in persuading the Texas Legislature to pass a law requiring PE in the public schools
- Sport Skills Tests
Career Highlights
- Department Chair, 1926-1958
- US Office of Education, Fitness Specialist and committee on fitness, 1943-1944
- TAHPERD President, 1927-1930
- AAHPERD, Southern District, President, 1933
- Published the first achievement test for baseball and basketball, 1924
- First to apply the T-scale technique in the construction of achievement scales for athletic skills
- Published skill test manuals
- Published more than 100 articles
- Author or contributor of 10 books