Herbert deVries

A graduate who became one of the foremost exercise and muscle physiologists of his time...
- Physiology of Exercise
- published in 5 editions from 1966-1994; set the standard for a generation of physical educators and exercise scientists
- Laboratory Manual for Physiology of Exercise
- innovations in laboratory learning
Honorary Awards
- Silver Anniversary Award by President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, 1975
- D.B. Dill Honor Award, Southwest Chapter, American Academy of Sports Medicine
- Citation Award: American College of Sports Medicine, 1991
- American Academy of Physical Education, Fellow
Career Highlights
- Associate Professor, California State University-Long Beach, 1957-65
- Preceptor, Gerontology Center, University of Southern California
- Professor, University of Southern California, 1965-1983
- Laboratory Chief, Physiology of Exercise Laboratory, Andrus Gerontology Center, 1972-1982
- Gerontology Society, Fellow, 1960-
- American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), Fellow, 1960-
- ACSM Vice President, 1967-1968
- National Research Council of AAHPER