Katey Arrington

B.S., Mathematics, The University of Texas at Austin
M.A., Mathematics Education, The University of Texas at Austin
Ph.D., Educational Policy & Planning, The University of Texas at Austin
Katey’s research focused on equity and social stratification in education, primarily through K-12 math and science education contributing to or stymying post-secondary opportunities.
Currently, Katey serves as the manager of K-12 Services at the Charles A. Dana Center, an organized research unit at UT Austin. She works with education systems across the nation in the areas of mathematics and science to ensure that every student leaves school prepared for success in postsecondary education and the contemporary workplace.
Katey has extensive experience in educator professional development and as a classroom teacher in the K–12 system and at the community college level. Her prior work includes instructional leadership roles at the campus level as well as leadership roles at the district level, including serving five years as the mathematics coordinator for a diverse district in Texas. Katey has developed and delivered professional development for educators at the state and national levels.