Nailah Jones

M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction, 2012
My experience at the University of Texas completely expanded my views about the importance of education, the methods I use to teach, and my understanding of the process of learning. As a student right out of college I was challenged by my lack of teaching experience. To gain more experience during my first year of grad school I taught preschool in West Austin. The experience of having both Early Childhood classes and teaching in and Early Childhood setting enriched my teaching and my research. I was a unique student because with the support of my professors I enrolled in the teaching Certification Program and was able to complete both my Masters in Education and a teaching certification program. The research and educational theorists I was exposed to throughout both programs challenged me to grow and view education and classroom practices more critically. In addition, I formed relationships with my professors who encouraged and inspired my research on African American males in Early Childhood settings. Moreover, I was able to find a job in East Austin prior to graduation because of the relationships I created and programs that I participated in through C&I.
Within C& I was mentored by some of the brightest and most passionate educators in the country. I am confident that my teaching skills are better because I participated in both the Masters curriculum and the EC-6th/ESL certification. My advice for future students is to get involved in every aspect of the program that you can while at UT. Attend lectures, go to conferences, volunteer with professors research. All of these experiences are invaluable and will shape your future practice.