Stephanie Mingos, M.Ed.
- B.A., Modern Languages (Spanish), Rhodes College (2011)
- M.Ed., Sport Management, University of Texas at Austin (2014)
I can’t pinpoint when my career journey began or where it might end. What I do know is that my passion for sports has led me to be a part of a wide range of industry experiences spanning from Division I to Division III collegiate athletics, to Major League Soccer to non-profit youth development. Among the highlights of these experiences include orchestrating a successful Guinness World Record attempt, helping to jumpstart a new sport in the Austin area (Footgolf), and working with the Texas Women’s Golf program. In my current capacity as the Director of Marketing and Communications for The First Tee of Greater Austin, I am able to help facilitate a program that teaches life skills via the game of golf while also cultivating my knowledge of fundraising and event management.
The business world does not thirst for able bodies, but for minds able to efficiently solve a problem. I turned a corner in my education when I started to challenge myself to figure things out on my own.