Terence (Terry) Todd

Lecturer, 1983-2006
Teaching Assistant, Men’s Physical Training Program, 1960-1964, 1966
Internationally acclaimed authority on strength training history and practice
Visionary educator whose collection of rare materials, leadership, and exceptional fund-raising skills made possible the H.J. Lutcher Stark Center for Physical Culture and Sports
Career Highlights
- Record-setting national-champion powerlifter and weightlifter; letterman on UT Tennis Team
- Founder, 1983, (with wife, Jan) of the Todd-McLean Physical Culture Collection, the genesis of the H.J. Lutcher Stark Center for Physical Culture and Sports. Raised more than $10,000,000 to build and operate the Stark Center
- Founder and Co-Editor, Iron Game History: The Journal of Physical Culture, 1990
- Author of six books and more than 500 articles in scholarly and popular publications such as Sports Illustrated, The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, Reader’s Digest, and Texas Monthly.
- Journalist and television commentator for ESPN, CBS, CBC, NBC, PBS, BBC, and TV Globo
- Creator, Strongest Man in Football for CBS (1981-1983); Creator/Director Arnold Strongman Classic (2002-2014)
Honors and Awards
- North American Society for Sport History Recognition Award, 2013
- National Fitness Hall of Fame, 2010
- Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coaches Association Hall of Fame, 2009
- Oscar Heidenstam Lifetime Achievement Award for Physical Education, (Britain), 2008
- National Strength and Conditioning Association Hall of Fame, 2004
- John Grimek Lifetime Achievement Award; Italian Bodybuilding Federation, 2000
- Oldetime Barbell and Strongman Association, Lifetime Achievement Award, 1992
- United States Powerlifting Hall of Fame, 1981