Vanessa Martínez Lagunas

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UEFA Pro Soccer Coaching License Holder & FIFA Women’s Soccer and Grassroots Instructor


  • Health Promotion and Fitness, 2004
  • M.A., Kinesiology and Exercise Physiology, 2007


I am extremely grateful for the time I spent in the Kinesiology and Health Education Department at UT Austin. The education, guidance and support I received from world-class faculty & staff members have influenced my professional and personal life in a very positive way. It was in KHE that my passion for teaching, research and coaching was born, and where I learned lessons and skills that have opened many doors for me at the international level. I am very proud to be a “KHE Longhorn.”

Words of Wisdom

  1. Dream big and set your short- and long-term goals;
  2. Be passionate about what you do; and
  3. Learn to speak foreign languages.