Willy Kipkemboi Rotich

Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, 2010
Like with most people making an entry into a new culture to operate in any level of education especially teaching, it was initially a huge challenge when I began graduate school. Yet at C & I at UT Austin, owing to the notably diverse student body, it was a lot easier working on re-aligning my educational career to be able to operate in new settings. This put me in good stead as it made it a much easier to transition to teaching in the American classroom post graduation, thanks to the experiences in the school of education. Interaction with practicing teachers with long and diverse experiences in the field was a boon in helping to shape my own educational journey.
Doing research or working with faculty as well as presentations in academic forums presented an in-depth opportunity to become acquainted with the research process. C & I presented an abundance of opportunities to think about research agenda and sharpen research skills much earlier.
Prior to joining C & I at UT Austin, I had been looking for educational experiences that were as diverse as they held a global perspective and appeal. What I had not known was that it is possible to find it all concentrated in one place as is the case at the C & I program at UT Austin. C & I at UT Austin pleasantly fits that bill. The program presents such a huge assembly of education scholars. To me, courses in the school of education like social theory and cultural theory in education were instrumental in expanding my viewpoints.
I will certainly recommend the C & I program at UT Austin to all the prospective students who are seeking the thrill and stimulation of educational experiences with a global and diverse bent. This program will answer your questions about research in education and is ready to back up it with solid experiences. It certainly was the case with me.