Faculty Labs and Research Areas

UT’s College of Education is committed to providing academic and applied opportunities that enrich the learning and development of our students. In support of the college’s efforts to bridge research and practice, many of our faculty members lead experiential research labs that enhance the graduate student experience and offer valuable mentorship and teamwork opportunities. Current labs offered within the college are listed below. 

Curriculum and Instruction

Black Male Education Research Collection

Compiles peer-reviewed research and interviews and archives documents detailing important issues facing America’s Black youth.

The Office of Bilingual Education

Sponsors projects, events, research and lectures that improve the quality of educational services provided for bilingual and English Language Learners (ELLs).

Educational Psychology

The Center for Applied Psychometric Research

Dedicated to providing cutting-edge statistical and psychometric research and evaluation services to further educational improvements at the K-12 and higher education levels and to informing educators, researchers, policymakers and other stakeholders in the education process.

Coping and Stress in Education (CASE) Lab

Explores the intersection of health, psychology and education by researching how to promote wellness and productivity in educational settings.

Pediatric Coping and Language Lab

Studies family, linguistic and sociocultural influences on children’s adaptation to stress and their mental and physical health outcomes.

Science of Learning and Metacognition Lab

Explores how people can be empowered to become motivated and effective self-regulated learners by combining the right mindset and tools.

Educational Leadership and Policy

Project MALES (Mentoring to Achieve Latino Educational Success) Student Fellows Mentoring Program

Employs research and mentoring initiatives to address the emerging gender gap in Latino educational attainment in secondary and postsecondary education.

Texas Center for Education Policy

Brings together researchers whose work has a direct bearing on current policy issues in education communities statewide. Several of the center’s researchers have been involved in advising policymakers on topics such as dropout prevention, student assessment and teacher quality.

The University of Texas Education Research Center (UTERC)

The University of Texas Education Research Center (UTERC) is a jointly established research collaborative comprised of three University of Texas System campuses (Austin, San Antonio and Pan American) and Texas State University that reports findings on critical education issues in Texas.

Kinesiology and Health Education

Adaptation to Stress and Health Resilience Lab

Focus areas include diabetes self-management interventions, the role of positive emotions in reducing depressive symptoms and the relationship between chronic psychosocial stress and metabolic health.

Autonomic Control of Circulation Laboratory

Investigates the effects of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes on the neural control of circulation during exercise.

Cardiovascular Aging Research Laboratory

Investigates the influence of aging and lifestyle modifications on vascular function and disease risks.

Clinical Exercise Physiology Laboratory

Examines the cardiovascular limitations to exercise capacity in healthy individuals and clinical populations.

Exercise & Sport Psychology Laboratory

Develops interventions to increase physical activity and healthy eating and seeks to understand the benefits of exercise for mental health.


Studies the organization of memory systems with the goal of developing targeted treatments for memory disorders.

Health and Integrative Physiology Laboratory

Investigates the mechanisms underlying the link between lifestyle behaviors, metabolic health and chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes in at-risk populations.

Human Locomotion Lab

Studies how biomechanics affect physiology and performance with a particular focus on how body dimensions and muscle-tendon mechanics affect endurance, balance and speed.

Human Performance Laboratory

Investigates the types of physical activity and exercise that keep people healthy and allow them to achieve their physical potential.

Migration and Health Lab

Focuses on better understanding how migration-related factors influence vulnerability to substance abuse and related harms among Latino communities in the U.S. and Mexico.

Neural Cardiovascular Control Laboratory

Investigates the underlying mechanisms for attenuated vascular function and heightened sympathetic activation in at-risk populations such as African Americans and in clinical populations.

Neuromuscular Physiology Research Laboratory

Conducts studies specializing in the investigation of neuromuscular control patterns in healthy, clinical and aging populations with the use of intramuscular fine-wire recording and electrical stimulation.

Neurorehabilitation and Biomechanics Lab

Seeks to understand the mechanisms of biomechanical and neuromuscular control of normal and pathological movements and to apply this knowledge to design interventions that improve functional movements.

Physical Activity and Core Laboratory

Supports investigators conducting research related to physical activity and exercise interventions.

Prevention Research Lab

Examines how the marketing of unhealthy products impacts youth and young adults’ behaviors. Explores how risk behaviors may co-occur among adolescents and young adults.

Sensorimotor Neuroplasticity Lab

Studies the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying control of normal and abnormal human movement.

Sport + Development Lab

Works to advance the development of sport systems and sport’s impact on individuals and communities.

Tobacco Research and Evaluation Team

Researches youth and young adult tobacco use and develops effective tobacco prevention programs and intervention tools that are easily accessible for various populations.

Special Education

Assistive and Instructional Technology Lab

Designed to familiarize students and future professionals with various assistive technology devices designed for individuals with disabilities.