Gabriel Rodríguez Lemus, Jr. (he/él) is a fifth-year PhD Candidate in the Program in Higher Education Leadership & Policy (PHELP) at The University of Texas at Austin with a dual graduate portfolio in Women & Gender Studies with a specialization in LGBTQ+ Studies and Mexican American & Latinx/a/o Studies. He is a Teaching Assistant for the Department of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, College of Liberal Arts. As well as a past Graduate Research Assistant for Project MALES, and a past Teaching Assistant for the Department of Educational Psychology. He is a 2021-2022 Chancellor Doctoral Incentive Program Fellow with The California State University and a Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education Graduate Fellow. He earned his M.S.Ed. in Higher Education & Student Affairs from Indiana University Bloomington and his B.A. in Sociology, concentration in Community Change from San José State University. Lastly, he is the Founder & Executive Director of the LatinX Graduate Student Association at UT Austin.
Gabriels work engages, complicates, & interrogates the ways Latinx/o masculinities is understood, specifically for Queer & Trans* Latinx/o collegians when navigating academe as it relates to their gender, ethnicity, sexuality, & dis/ability. As an interdisciplinary educational scholar, his work lives at the intersections of Higher Education, Queer & Trans* Studies, Chicanx & Latinx Studies, and Critical Disability Studies.
Gabriel Rodríguez Lemus, Jr. (he/él) research area focuses on four main areas:(1) Men & Masculinities of Color, specifically Queer & Trans* Latinx/o Masculinities & Disabilities, (2) Latinx/a/o People in Education, (3) Critical Disability Studies in Higher Education, and (4) Qualitative Research Methods, specifically Arts-Based & Visual Methodologies.
Victor Saenz (Supervisor)Leads the Project MALES (Mentoring to Achieve Latino Educational Success Initiative focused on Latino males in education; seeks to advance research-informed policy solutions that enhance educational outcomes for students in secondary and post-secondary education.
Angela Valenzuela (Committee Member)Specializes in urban education from a sociological and multicultural perspective, with a focus on minority youth in schools, particularly at the K-12 level.
Luis Urrieta (Committee Member)Follows trends around cultural and racial identities, agency, migration, and social movements in education.
Social Media Coordinator/Webmaster, SIG 168 Graduate and Postdoctoral Education Across Disciplines, AERA(2023 - 2024)
Consulting Editor, Journal of Queer and Trans Studies in Education(2023)
Editorial Board Member, Research in Brief, Journal of College Student Development (JCSD)(2023)
Member, ELP Student Advisory Committee, Educational Leadership & Policy, College of Education(2022 - 2023)
Founder & Executive Director, LatinX Graduate Student Association at UT Austin(2020 - 2024)
Rodríguez Lemus, G., Hutchings, Q. & Duran, A. (2025). Queering men of color programs: Interventions to address the needs of queer and trans men of color.
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education.. doi:
Hogan, L., Rodríguez Lemus, Jr., G., Lynn, Z., Murphy, B. & Scherzer, R. (2020). Queer Students Navigating the Academy: LGBTQ+ Mentoring Practices at IUPUI.
Journal of the Student Personnel Association at Indiana University, 9–25.
NYU Faculty First-Look Fellow, NYU Steinhardt (2024)
Nevitt Sanford Award, Commission for Faculty and Graduate Programs, ACPA (2024)
Erik M. Colon Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Latin@/x Network, ACPA (2024)
Américo Parades Summer Research Scholarship, Center for Mexican American Studies, UT Austin (2024)
ASHE Drs. Kristen A. Renn and Melissa McDaniels Dissertation Research Grant, ASHE (2024)
Tracy Davis Emerging Research Award, Coalition on Men & Masculinities, ACPA (2023)
AAHHE Best Scholarly Paper, American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE) (2023)
James M. Young Endowment, Disability & Access, UT Austin (2023)
BIPOC Scholar, Point Foundation (2022)
Graduate Fellow, Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education (TACHE) (2022)
HSF Scholar, Hispanic Scholarship Fund (2021 - 2023)
Chancellor's Doctoral Incentive Program Fellow, The California State University (2021 - 2026)
Outstanding Master's Student, Latinx/a/o Knowledge Community, NASPA (2020)
Emerging Critical Masculinities of Color in Higher Education, ACPA-College Student Educators International, Chicago, IL (2024)
Politics of Disclosure: A Duoethnography of Navigating Bipolar Disorder as Men of Color, American Educational Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, PA (2024)
Queer & Trans* Latinx Masculinities & Disabilities in Higher Education, American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL (2023)
We have always been on survival mode: Latinx Doctoral Students Pandemic Experiences, American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE), Henderson, NV (2023)
Jotería Praxis in Education: Practicing & Researching Jotería in Everyday Life, Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), Minneapolis, MN (2023)
Fighting Stigma and Holding Institutions Accountable: Mental Disability Disclosure and Racial Identity in Higher Education, Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), Last Vegas, NV (2022)
Que Viva La Joteria: Past, Present, & Future of Queer & Trans Latinx Activism, National Association of Chicana and Chicano Studies (NACCS), Virtual (2022)
Poetry as Knowledge: Using Poetry as Data in Educational Research, International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Virtual (2021)
A Decade in Review: A Systematic Literature Review of LatinX Masculinites in Higher Education, Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), San Juan, Puerto Rico (2021)
Moving Beyond "Males, Men, and Men of Color", Association of the Study Higher Education (ASHE), San Juan, Puerto Rico (2021)
Surgir, No Sufrir: Identifying the Impact of Emerging HSIs on Latinx Student Experiences, National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE), Virtual (2021)
Futurity of Queer and Trans Latinx/a/o Possibilities in Higher Education., American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE), Virtual (2021)
Queering Brotherhood: Unity in Hermandad, Black & Latino Mens Summit, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (2020)