Student Organizations
Take full advantage of your college experience by getting involved in the College of Education’s student groups. You will make friends, have fun, establish connections, and develop leadership skills.
Bilingual Education Student Organization (BESO)
BESO is a College of Education student organization designed for future teachers who are interested in issues surrounding bilingual education. Members share ideas, practices, and information about bilingual education, develop support groups, learn about the newest research, and network with others who have similar career goals. BESO meetings often feature guest speakers such as teachers, principals, or administrators who are professionally affiliated with, or knowledgeable about, bilingual education. BESO is committed to community service, and members enjoy social events and fundraising activities to help provide funds for the schools as well as other BESO activities. BESO members often attend and volunteer at the annual Texas Association for Bilingual Education (TABE) Conference, where they find professional development, important information related to bilingual education, and just plain fun!
Education Council
Education Council is the “Student Voice for the College of Education” and represents all majors and organizations within the college in the Senate of College Councils. The council serves as the official channel for student participation in policy-making and the development of student activities within the college. To encourage communication and ensure that students’ concerns are being heard, the council holds bi-weekly meetings where anyone from the college or other educational fields can bring their concerns or aspirations. Volunteer opportunities also are provided within the university and in the community. We invite you to join us at an upcoming meeting. We are always looking for new, enthusiastic members to help put the College of Education on the map!
Kappa Delta Pi
Kappa Delta Pi is an international honor society in education that is open to undergraduate and graduate students with a minimum 3.25 GPA and a strong professional interest in teaching. Membership is by invitation.
Kinesiology Club
Kinesiology Club is a service, social, and academic organization that is open to any and all UT students who want to be more involved on campus. KIN club features a very active social agenda with members attending UT sporting events as a group, participating in all intramural sports, and hosting faculty-student luncheons throughout the school year. In addition to educational meetings, the club also promotes professional development in a variety of volunteer opportunities and community projects. The Kinesiology Club is one of the largest student organizations in the College of Education that offers members great opportunities.
Longhorn Athletic Training Student Association
The Longhorn Athletic Training Student Association (LATSA) is an organization open to all Athletic Training and pre-Athletic Training majors. LATSA’s purpose is to further the Athletic Training profession through education, professionalism, leadership, and student involvement. Our events include intramural sports, holiday parties, bi-weekly meetings, and an annual paintball tournament involving UT’s athletic training staff and other area athletic trainers. Community involvement is also a cornerstone of our organization, making LATSA a fun and beneficial way to get more involved in the profession of Athletic Training.
Education for All
Education for All (EFA) is a student organization open to any student interested in multicultural issues related to the teaching profession. This organization strives to recruit students from all backgrounds to UT and encourage them to pursue majors and careers in education. During our general meetings teachers, administrators, faculty, alumni and community representatives are invited to speak on current issues in education that relate to building a culture of community and belonging in our schools. Other events sponsored by EFA include the Tailgate Kick-off at the start of each fall semester, College Day Visits for local middle and high school students, outstanding member scholarship award, Education Idol, and a variety of fundraising activities. Membership applications are available in SZB 2.110.
Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC)
The Student Council for Exceptional Children, an affiliate of the National Council for Exceptional Children, is open to any student who is interested in special education issues. In addition to hosting guest speakers, SCEC sponsors events that can help students become more familiar with special needs children in the education system. SCEC teams up with organizations such as Special Olympics, Downs Syndrome Association of Central Texas, Walk Now for Autism, and McBeth Recreation Center for fundraising and social events. Meetings are held every other week.
Teachers of Tomorrow
Teachers of Tomorrow is an organization open to students interested in joining a community of shared professional goals in educating elementary-aged students. Relationships are developed through discussions, mentoring, and volunteer work. We provide future teachers opportunities for out-of-class learning with guest speakers, informational panels, and social events throughout the year. Members are encouraged to further their professional development through building relations with faculty in the College of Education and among practicing teachers in the Austin area.
Texas Health Promotion Club
The Texas Health Promotion Club is a student organization open to all students at the University of Texas at Austin. Our mission is to promote the health and wellness of UT students and the surrounding community through scholarship, community service, and spreading health awareness. We focus on including diverse members of UT students, learning about and addressing issues related to social justice and social determinants of health, and improving health equity among UT students and the surrounding community. Membership in the club includes participation in weekly meetings, a semester-long health promotion project, professional development opportunities, and club events throughout the academic year. In our meetings, we focus on the activities of the club, present opportunities to participate in volunteer events at UT and throughout the Austin community, and host guest speakers who focus on current diverse health topics and career development. We also partner with other diverse clubs and organizations on campus on health-related events throughout the year.
UT Urban Teachers
Join our organization if you are interested in becoming a teacher and/or working professional that is aware of social issues. We examine critical pedagogy and how it is necessary for our teaching and professional practices. In doing so, we will work towards social justice and educational success for those in urban communities and schools and identify systems of power and oppression.
Student Affairs (includes Academic Advising)
(512) 471-3223
Field Experiences
Supports students in the Future Teachers Professional Development Sequence
(512) 471-1511
Email Field Experiences
Certification Office
Email the Certification Office
Career Engagement
(512) 471-1306
Email Education Career Engagement