Explore videos related to the research and work accomplished in the Department of special education. Our faculty are highly engaged in current topics and trends in special education. Hear discussions on how the research conducted in our graduate programs by both professors and graduate students have a direct impact on the lives of people with disabilities.
Dr. Roy McConkey, professor emeritus of Ulster University in Northern Ireland, shares his insights during the 5th Annual Autism Conference presented by the Department of Special Education in the College of Education at the University of Texas at Austin.
Dr. Roy McConkey, professor emeritus at Ulster University in Northern Ireland, discusses “What Parents Can Do That Professionals Can’t Do” / “Lo que los padres de familia pueden hacer que lo profesionales no logran solos.” Discussion translated in English and Spanish.
Dr. Katie Tackett describes how applying universal design principles to her classroom benefits all her students, whether or not they have an identified disability.
Dr. North Cooc shares his perspectives on how to help students with disabilities over the summer months.
Dr. Nathan Clemens discusses the importance of measuring reading progress with young children.
Dr. Jessica Toste recommends five options for helping prevent the Summer Slide that occurs while school is out.