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Education Policy and Planning Prospective Students Information Session

Oct 28, 2022 - Oct 28, 2022

Virtually via Zoom

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (CST)

Doctorate Program: Huriya Jabbar
Master’s Program: Chris Brown


Learn more about the M.Ed. and Ph.D. programs in Educational Policy and Planning (EPP) with faculty and advisors. This one-hour information session will provide a high-level overview of our education policy programs and address important information, admission requirements, research opportunities and more.

About the Educational Policy and Planning Program

The Educational Policy and Planning programs prepare future faculty members, policy analysts and researchers to significantly and positively change public education. You will learn to be an anti-racist scholar of educational policy, with a critical focus on issues of equity and social justice.

Students will take coursework in education politics, policy implementation, critical policy analysis, social and cultural contexts of education, economics of education, research methodology and special topics focused on our faculty members’ areas of expertise.