Emma Gargroetzi is assistant professor of STEM Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The University of Texas at Austin. Inspired by 15 years of working with young people in New York City, Latin America and California's Bay Area, Emma's research focuses on identity, power and educational justice in the mathematical lives of children and youth. Her ongoing work examines the use of quantitative reasoning in youth, civic composing and the possibilities for educational dignity in mathematics learning environments. Emma predominantly approaches research through ethnographic methods and video-based social interaction analysis.
As a 2022 NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellow Emma is working with STEM and Humanities teachers and youth across the U.S. to launch the Transdisciplinary Civic Learning Collaborative, a space for learning that combines literary and quantitative practices for the purpose of civic learning and social problem-solving. Drawing on teacher inquiry and case study methodologies, the research is conceived as a social design-based experiment with the purpose of illuminating new possibilities for youth and schools in building an anti-oppressive and inclusive democracy. Bringing together theory and practice contributed through research in critical literacy, mathematics for social justice and youth civic composing, the study takes a critical sociocultural approach to exploring youth identities and participation as civic actors in unprecedented times. The research will contribute insight into the possibilities and challenges of schools, especially language arts and math classrooms, as sites of civic imagination. The project is driven by the hypothesis that transdisciplinary collaboration between Humanities and STEM educators locally and across sites, supported through a critical teacher learning community, may open new avenues for youth identities and engagement in literacy, mathematics and civic life.
Emma received her Ph.D. from Stanford University with a dual focus in race, inequality and language in education and in mathematics education. She also holds an M.A. from Columbia University Teachers College in peace education, an M.S. from Brooklyn College in teaching students with disabilities, and a B.A. in political science from Vassar College.
Ph.D. in Mathematics Education; Race, Inequality and Language in Education, Stanford University, 2020
M.S. in Teaching Students with Disabilities in the Middle Grades, City University of New York - Brooklyn College, 2011
M.A. in International and Transcultural Studies: Peace Education, Columbia University Teachers College, 2008
B.A. in Political Science, Vassar College, 2005
Explores the intersection of the sociopolitical and mathematical lives of children with a focus on identity and learning.
Co-editor, "Multicultural Education" section, Routledge Encyclopedia of Education(2020 - Present)
Reviewer, Journal of Mathematical Behavior(2020 - Present)
Reviewer, NSTA Press(2020 - Present)
Reviewer, Anthropology of Education Quarterly(2019 - Present)
Langer-Osuna, J., Munson, J., Gargroetzi, E., Williams, I. & Chavez, R. (2020). So what are we working on? A discursive analysis of shared authority during collaborative mathematics activity in a fourth grade classroom.. Educational Studies in Mathematics. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10649-020-09962-3.
Zummo, L., Gargroetzi, E. & Garcia, A. (2020). Youth voice on climate change: Using factor analysis to understand the intersection of science, politics, and emotion. Environmental Education Research, 26(8), 1207–1226. doi:10.1080/13504622.2020.1771288.
Langer-Osuna, J., Gargroetzi, E., Munson, J. & Chavez, R. (2020). Examining the role of off-task participation during collaborative problem-solving in elementary mathematics. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112(3), 514532. doi:https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000464.
Garcia, A., Levinson, A. & Gargroetzi, E. (2019). Dear future President of the United States: Analyzing youth civic writing within the 2016 Letters to the Next President project. American Education Research Journal. doi:https://doi.org/10.3102/0002831219870129.
Gargroetzi, E., Chavez, R., Munson, J., Langer-Osuna, J. & Lange, K. (2019). Can off-task be on track?. Phi Delta Kappan, 100(8), 62–66. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/0031721719846892.
Groetzinger, E. (n.d.). Mathographies for equity: Bringing student stories into the classroom. New England Mathematics Journal, 48(1), 12–27.
NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation (2022 - 2024)
Spencer Small Grant, Spencer Foundation (2021 - 2022)
Gerald J. Lieberman Fellowship, Stanford University (2019 - 2020)
Dean's Collaborative Learning Fund, Stanford Graduate School of Education (2016 - 2020)
Haas Graduate Public Service Fellow, Stanford University Haas Center for Public Service (2016 - 2017)
Hakeoung Hannah Lee (Supervisor)Hannah's research examines Learning Analytics in the STEM learning context from sociocultural perspectives of learning. Her research focus lies in the fields of Learning Analytics and Learning Sciences, particularly within the domains of Computer Science (CS) education and Mathematics education. To learn more about her work, please visit her personal website: https://www.hakeounghannahlee.com/
Courses by year and semesterYear | Semester | Course |
2024 | Summer | STM f390T: Interdis/Transdis/Hybrid Learn |
2024 | Spring | EDC 388R: 2-Discourse Analysis |
2023 | Fall | EDC 365C: Knowing/Learning In Math & Sci |
2022 | Spring | EDC 365C: Knowing/Learning In Math & Sci |
2021 | Fall | STM 385: Knowing & Learning In Stem Ed |
2021 | Summer | STM f390T: Usng Vid As Data In Lrn Sci-Wb |
2021 | Spring | EDC 370E: 5-Mathematics-G |
2020 | Fall | STM 385: Knowing & Learning In Stem Ed |