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Liu, S. & Liu, M. (2020). The impact of learner metacognition and goal orientation on problem solving in a serious game environment.. Computers in Human Behavior, 102, 152–165. doi:
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Liu, M., Horton, L., Kang, J., Kimmons, R. & Lee, J. (2017). Making Learning Fun: An Investigation of Using a Ludic Simulation for Middle School Space Science. Transforming Gaming and Computer Simulation Technologies across Industries (pp. 130–152): IGI Global.
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Liu, M., McKelroy, E., Corliss, S. & Carrigan, J. (2017). Investigating The Effect of An Adaptive Learning Intervention on Students Learning.
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Liu, M., Su, S., Liu, S., Harron, J., Fickert, C. & Sherman, B. (2016). Exploring 3D Immersive and Interactive Technology for Designing Educational Learning Experiences. Handbook of Research on 3-D Virtual Environments and Hypermedia for Ubiquitous Learning (pp. 243–261): IGI Global.
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Liu, M., Horton, L., Toprac, P. & Yuen, T. (2011). Examining the Design of Media Rich Cognitive Tools as Scaffolds in a Multimedia Problem-Based Learning Environment. Educational Media and Technology Yearbook: Springer.
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Liu, M., Kishi, C. & Rhoads, S. (2007). Strategies & heuristics for novice instructional designers as they work with faculty content experts in a university setting. Instructional Design: Case Studies in Communities of Practice (pp. 36–67): Idea Group Inc..
Audrey See, Ph.D., expected 2025 (Co-supervisor)Learning Experience Design (LXD), User Experience Design (UXD), Video Game Development, Human-Centered Design, Technology Leadership, Technology Integration
Ying Cai, Ph.D., expected 2023 (Supervisor) Zilong Pan, Ph.D., 2022 (Supervisor)
Wenting Zou, Ph.D., 2020 (Supervisor)
Sa Liu, Ph.D., 2018 (Supervisor)
Assistant professor at Harrisburg University of Science & Technology
Jina Kang, Ph.D., 2017 (Supervisor)
Assistant professor at Utah State University
Jaejin Lee, Ph.D., 2015 (Supervisor)
Associate Research Fellow at Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE). S. Korea
Lance Kinney, Ph.D., 2015 (Supervisor)
Executive Director at Texas Board of Professional Engineers, TX
Lucas Horton, Ph.D., 2014 (Supervisor)
Director, Office of Instructional Innovation, COE, UT - Austin
Jennifer Wivagg, Ph.D., 2013 (Supervisor)
Technology Integration Specialist, Keystone School, San Antonio, TX
Justin Olmanson, Ph.D., 2011 (Supervisor)
Assistant Professor at Univ. of Nebraska at Lincoln
Minh Pham, Ph.D., 2010 (Supervisor)
Manager at Chevron
Pei-yu Wang, Ph.D., 2010 (Supervisor)
Associate Professor, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
Shih-Ting Lee, Ph.D., 2009 (Supervisor)
Instructional Designer, Austin Community College
Tim Yuen, Ph.D., 2008 (Supervisor)
Associate Professor, Univ. of Texas San Antonio
Paul Toprac, Ph.D., 2008 (Supervisor)
Associate Director & Senior Lecturer, Game Development Program, UT-Austin
Rui Li, Ph.D., 2005 (Supervisor)
Executive Director, Distance Education & Instructional Design, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Yungwei Hao, Ph.D., 2004 (Supervisor)
Professor, National Taiwan Normal University
Susan Pedersen, Ph.D., 2000 (Supervisor)
Associate Professor, Texas A&M
Doug Williams, Ph.D., 1999 (Supervisor)
Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Noelle Sweany, Ph.D., 1999 (Co-supervisor)
Clinical Asso. Prof., Texas A&M
Thomas McManus, Ph.D., 1998 (Supervisor)
Director of Learning and Technology Professional Development, Harrisburg University of Science and Technologies