Nathaniel Bryan

Office: SZB
Dr. Bryan's interests include early childhood education policy and practice, gender issues in early childhood education, conceptions of children, urban literacy education, diversity, equity and social justice in early childhood, and qualitative research.
Dr. Bryan is author of the book Toward a BlackBoyCrit Pedagogy: Black boys, male teachers, and literacy early childhood classroom practices and has numerous published book chapters and forthcoming texts.
Dr. Bryan has published in journals including Journal of School Leadership, American Journal of Play, Urban Review, Urban Education, Equity and Excellence in Education, Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Education, and more.
Among the conferences that Dr. Bryan recently presented at are the American Educational Research Association (AERA), National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Day of Early Childhood Education as Keynote Speaker, Critical Race Studies in Education (CRSEA) and National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME).