Diana Cervantes

Photo of Diana  Cervantes

Educational Leadership & Policy

Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy, The University of Texas at Austin, 2024
M.A. in Higher and Postsecondary Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2019
B.A. in Crime, Law, and Society, University of Oregon, 2016
B.A. in Spanish: Literature and Culture, University of Oregon, 2016

Email: dianacervantes@utexas.edu
Diana Cervantes, Ph.D. is a graduate of the Program in Higher Education Leadership and Policy (PHELP) at The University of Texas at Austin where she was also a graduate research assistant for Project MALES (Mentoring to Achieve Latino Educational Success), CCCSE (Center for Community College Student Engagement), and the Free College Equity Lab. Her dissertation research focused on the racialized experiences of Latina/Latino/Hispanic community college students with free college policy implementation.

She is a proud Oregonian and a Gates Millennium Scholarship recipient. Diana earned Bachelor's degrees from the University of Oregon, graduating magna cum laude, and a Master of Arts in higher and postsecondary education with an emphasis in social/cultural and civic analysis from Teachers College, Columbia University.