Eunhye Ko

Photo of Eunhye  Ko

Curriculum & Instruction

Ph.D. in Learning Technology, University of Texas at Austin, expected 2024
M.A. in Educational Technology, Ewha Womans University, 2015
B.A. in English Education, Ewha Womans University, 2012

Grace is a doctoral student in the Learning Technologies program at The University of Texas at Austin. Bridging learning technologies and human-centered design, Grace’s research explores how educators can empower learners to be owners of their learning while enjoying the learning process. Her design-based research begins with empathy for the learners and the problems in classrooms. She attempts to take actions that transform learning experiences with technology as shown in her edtech product development works: WikiTalki (Peer feedback platform for collaborative English speaking practice) and CuriousFive (AI-based adaptive learning learning platform for STEM learning). As a people-oriented researcher, she formed a group with fellow doctoral students to provide emergency online teaching support for Korean teachers during Covid-19. Collaborating with one of the school districts in Seoul, she designed and hosted teacher training sessions which she documented as an academic article. Under the guidance of Dr. Hughes, Grace participated in Slowpitch research which focuses on desiloeing conversations between educators and edtech entrepreneurs. Currently, she is working as a contract researcher for Samsung Electronics Smart School Project evaluating the outcomes and effectiveness of smart school implementation using a mixed method approach. Going forward, she aims to pursue practical and interdisciplinary research that will prepare her to become an academic researcher and an instructional designer capable of conducting innovative educational research with a solid theoretical foundation on learning technologies and human computer interaction (HCI).