Holland Kowalkowski
Ph.D. in Bilingual/Bicultural Education- Curriculum and Instruction, The University of Texas at Austin, expected 2024
M.S. in Learning Technologies, The University of North Texas, 2019
B.S. in Applied Learning and Development, The University of Texas at Austin, 2015
B.A. in Spanish, The University of Texas at Austin, 2014
Email: hollandbriggs@utexas.edu
Office: SZB
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M.S. in Learning Technologies, The University of North Texas, 2019
B.S. in Applied Learning and Development, The University of Texas at Austin, 2015
B.A. in Spanish, The University of Texas at Austin, 2014
Email: hollandbriggs@utexas.edu
Office: SZB
View Curriculum Vitae
Holly is interested in researching digital equity and how bilingual teachers, students, and communities use digital tools to critically engage with the world around them.
Before pursuing graduate studies, Holly was a dual language (Spanish/English) teacher in Round Rock ISD. During her time in the classroom, she was inspired by how students used new technologies to express themselves and question the world. However, she also became aware of the potential of technology to reproduce systemic inequities in schools. She hopes her research will contribute to more equitable, relevant, and critical digital spaces for our students and communities.
Before pursuing graduate studies, Holly was a dual language (Spanish/English) teacher in Round Rock ISD. During her time in the classroom, she was inspired by how students used new technologies to express themselves and question the world. However, she also became aware of the potential of technology to reproduce systemic inequities in schools. She hopes her research will contribute to more equitable, relevant, and critical digital spaces for our students and communities.