Undergraduate Scholarships
College of Education students are eligible for a variety of scholarships thanks to our generous alumni, supporters and friends.
Incoming Freshman Students
Step 1: Submit Your Admission Application
Students will automatically be considered for these scholarships based on their admission application. No separate scholarship application is needed.
College of Education Scholarships: The College of Education offers a variety of scholarships to incoming first time college students. Students are automatically considered for scholarships that they are eligible for based on criteria such as major or financial need. Award: Amount varies.
Dean’s Promising Scholars: The College of Education’s first four-year, full-tuition scholarship for incoming undergraduates who show tremendous academic and leadership promise, and demonstrate potential for service to our community. Award: $12,000/year for four years.
Forty Acres Scholarship: Administered by Texas Exes, the Forty Acres Scholarship Program inspires and nurtures visionary leaders and helps them use their talents to benefit society. Scholars receive a rich college experience with an intimate cohort of fellow students. Award: Tuition, a living and book stipend, and enrichment and professional experiences for four years.
Apply for admission by December 1. Visit Admissions for more information.
Step 2: Submit Your UT Incoming Freshman Scholarship Interest Form
All incoming students are considered for incoming freshman scholarships from UT’s Financial Aid Office. The Scholarship Interest Form is used to determine your eligibility for highly selective scholarships or scholarships with particular requirements.
The Scholarship Interest Form will be available from September 1 to January 15. Contact Texas One Stop for more information.
Step 3: Submit Your Financial Aid Application
Submit your financial aid application to be considered for need-based scholarships, grants, work study and/or loans.
- The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is for US citizens or US permanent residents.
- The Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA) for Texas residents who are not US citizens or permanent residents of the US.
The University of Texas at Austin’s priority deadline is March 15. You can still submit after that date, but some financial aid might not be available.
Visit Texas One Stop for more information.
Step 4: Submit Your Texas Exes Application
Texas Exes awards scholarships to hundreds of students each year.
Step 5: Submit Your Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers Application
Passionate students who aspire to teach in Texas are encouraged to apply for the Charles Butt Scholarship.
Continuing Students
Step 1: Complete Your Financial Aid Application
Submit your financial aid application to be considered for need-based scholarships, grants, work study and/or loans.
- The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is for US citizens or US permanent residents.
- The Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA) for Texas residents who are not US citizens or permanent residents of the US.
The University of Texas at Austin’s priority deadline is March 15. You can still submit after that date, but some financial aid might not be available.
Visit Texas One Stop for more information.
Step 2: Submit Your College of Education Continuing Student Scholarship Application
This application opens in October and is for scholarships awarded by the College of Education and Department of Kinesiology and Health Education for academic year 2025-2026.
KHE deadline: Sunday, January 5, 2025
College of Education deadline: Sunday, March 23, 2025
KHE scholarships are awarded early, so KHE students should submit their application by January 5 to be considered for both departmental and college scholarships. KHE students can still submit their application after January 5 but will only be considered for College of Education scholarships.
Step 3: Submit Your Texas Exes Application
Texas Exes awards scholarships to hundreds of students each year.
Step 4: Submit Your UT Continuing Student Scholarship Application
UT offers a variety of scholarships to continuing students. Some are merit-based, others are need-based and some are for students who meet certain requirements such as GPA or major.
The application for 2025-2026 scholarships will open in mid-Fall 2024.
Step 5: Submit Your Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers Application
Passionate students who aspire to teach in Texas are encouraged to apply for the Charles Butt Scholarship.
Step 6: Submit Your AISD Future Teacher Scholarship Application
These $5,000 scholarships are for full-time students in the last four semesters of coursework toward teacher certification. Students must be seeking certification in state-recognized critical shortage subject areas in Texas: STEM, bilingual education, special education.
Frequently Asked Questions
Applying for Scholarships
Incoming freshman students are automatically considered for College of Education scholarships based on their ApplyTexas application. No separate scholarship application is needed.
Continuing students should apply through LASSO.
The scholarship application will be open for current undergraduate students from mid-Fall to mid-Spring each year.
Contact Jessica Amaral. Please make sure to include your UT EID in your message.
Yes! Even if you think you’re not likely to qualify for an award, it’s still a good idea to apply.
Scholarship recipients are notified via e-mail in early July for fall awards.
Types of Funding
Thank You Letters
Scholarships and fellowships at UT Austin are funded by generous alumni and donors who wish to support student educational experiences. We ask that all scholarship and fellowship recipients write a thank you letter which will be shared with donors. Your thank you letter is an opportunity for you to share the impact their gift has made.
Thank you letters may be submitted through Canvas. Instructions will be included in your scholarship/fellowship offer letter.
Scholarship Award Disbursement
You can determine how you would like your scholarship disbursed. Options include:
- Direct deposit
- Check mailed to your address on file
- Pick-up check in person from the Office of Accounting
To set up direct deposit, where the funds are automatically deposited into your bank account, go to My Bank Info or the Finance section of your MyUT page to update your information.
Awards are disbursed on the thirteenth class day in the fall or spring semester. It may take longer to actually receive the money in your bank account. See the disbursement process for more information.
Check your My Financial Aid Portal page for any outstanding requirements that may delay the disbursement process.
Several offices must approve your award before it reaches your bank account or a check is issued. This process can take a few days or a few weeks.
College of Education Processes Award: After you submit your thank you letter to the Development Office, your funds will be scheduled for release on the thirteenth class day of the fall or spring semester, or fifth day of the summer semester. Funds will leave the College of Education and move to the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid for review.
Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid Reviews Award: Your award is then reviewed by the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid (OSFA). Your assigned financial aid counselor is notified that a scholarship has been posted to your record and then checks to see if your aid needs to be adjusted to include this scholarship. If your award has been accounted for, the OSFA will let the funds proceed to the Office of Accounting for disbursement. If not, the OSFA may adjust your financial aid.
Please contact the Texas One Stop if you have questions.
Office of Accounting Releases Funds: After your award is reviewed by the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid, the Office of Accounting will check to see if you have any outstanding payments. If so, your scholarship will be applied toward this debt. The remaining funds will be directly deposited into your account or a check will be prepared to be mailed or picked up.
Check your What I Owe page for information about outstanding payments.
Financial aid may be adjusted due to your College of Education scholarship. Please contact the Texas One Stop for specific information regarding your financial aid package.
UT FAFSA Deadline:
March 15
College Scholarship Application:
October – March
College Scholarship Application Deadline:
March 23

Scholarship Coordinator
Jessica Amaral
Main Office
SZB 2.110