Beth Maloch
Senior Associate Dean
Elizabeth Shatto Massey Endowed Chair in Education

As senior associate dean, Dr. Maloch leads the college across all areas of academic excellence including academic strategy, faculty hiring, promotion and tenure processes, and administration.
Dr. Maloch previously served as associate dean for Administration and Educator Preparation. She had oversight of certification and teacher education-related policies, articulation with outside entities, and teacher education curriculum and programs. Education Services, the Information Technology Office, certification programs, undergraduate scholarships, facilities, and administrative projects and operations were also in her portfolio.
Since her arrival at UT Austin in 2000, Maloch has served actively in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, college, and university. She served two years as GSC (Graduate Studies Committee) chair in her department and six years as the graduate advisor for Language and Literacy Studies. She also served as a cohort coordinator for seven years, overseeing a literacy specialization cohort, in addition to teaching undergraduate literacy methods courses and graduate courses focused on research methodology. Maloch has been honored with the 2011 Elizabeth Massey Award for Excellence in Teacher Education, 2010 Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award, and 2009 Dean’s Distinguished Teaching Award. In 2011 she was inducted into The University of Texas at Austin’s Academy of Distinguished Teachers.
Author and co-author of numerous articles and book chapters, Maloch’s main areas of research interest are teacher education, literature discussion, and the uses of informational texts in primary classrooms. She is currently engaged in a long term research project focused on the development of reflective coaching practices within teacher education programs. Maloch was co-editor of the National Reading Conference Yearbook, and served on the Board of Directors of the Literacy Research Association. Maloch was awarded the Early Career Achievement Award by the Literacy Research Association in 2006, and she received the Alan Purves Award from the National Council for Teachers of English in 2008 for an article published in Research in the Teaching of English.
Before entering higher education, Maloch taught public school in both Tennessee and Arkansas. Maloch earned a doctorate degree (2000) and a master’s degree (1995) from Vanderbilt University in Language and Literacy Studies. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Ouachita Baptist University.
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College of Education
1912 Speedway, Stop D5000
Austin, Texas 78712
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