Leadership Team

Photo of Dean Martinez

Charles Martinez, Jr.

Lee Hage Jamail Regents Chair in Education
Sid W. Richardson Regents Chair

Photo of Beth Maloch

Beth Maloch

Senior Associate Dean
Elizabeth Shatto Massey Endowed Chair in Education

Photo of Alex Loukas

Alexandra Loukas

Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies
Barbie M. and Gary L. Coleman Professor in Education

Photo of John Bartholmew

John Bartholomew

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
Teresa Lozano Long Endowed Chair in Kinesiology and Health Education

Photo of Cinthia Salinas

Cinthia Salinas

Associate Dean Pro Tem for Educator Workforce Development
Ruben E. Hinojosa Regents Professor in Education

Victor Sáenz

Associate Dean for Student Success, Community Engagement and Administration
L. D. Haskew Centennial Professor in Public School Administration

Angie Hoffman

Chief Business Officer

Photo of Richard Hogeda

Richard Hogeda

Assistant Dean for Student Affairs​

Photo of Tara Kirkland

Tara Kirkland

Director of Strategy and External Relations

Photo of Allison Skerrett

Allison Skerrett

Director of Teacher Education
Louise Spence Griffeth Fellow for Excellence​

Photo of Laura Torres

Laura Torres

Director of Data Analytics, Assessment and Translational Research

Ian Tuski

Ian Tuski

Chief Development Officer

Department Chairs

Melissa Wetzel

Melissa Wetzel

Department Chair, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Photo of Pedro Reyes

Pedro Reyes

Department Chair, Educational Leadership and Policy, Education – Office of the Dean

Tiffany Whittaker

Tiffany A Whittaker

Department Chair, Department of Educational Psychology

Photo of Jan Todd

Janice (Jan) S Todd

Department Chair, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education

Photo of Mark O'Reilly

Mark F O’Reilly

Department Chair, Department of Special Education