Jennifer Holme

Headshot of  Jennifer J Holme
Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy

Office: SZB 3.804F
Office Hours: Fridays 3-5pm

Dr. Jennifer Jellison Holme is a Professor of Educational Policy and Planning in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy. Her research focuses on the politics and implementation of educational policy. Her research interests include: teacher turnover; school diversity, the intersection between housing and education.

She received her Ph.D. in Education Policy (Urban Schooling) from UCLA, her Ed.M. in Administration, Planning and Social Policy from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, and her B.A. in Sociology from UCLA.

Her work has been published in Educational Researcher; Review of Research in Education, Teachers College Record, Educational Policy, Educational Administration Quarterly, American Educational Research Journal, Review of Educational Research, and the Harvard Educational Review.